Unsure about how to
manage your Restricted Stock
Units (RSUs)?

Download "The 411 on Restricted Stock Units" to
better understand this exciting opportunity!

Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)

Many recipients of company-issued Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) are uncertain about their risks and benefits, and what owning RSUs means for their overall economic health and retirement.

Because RSUs are not cash in the bank, RSU owners are often anxious about how to optimize their value and have these questions:

  • 1. How much of my before and after-tax wealth is tied up in my RSUs?
  • 2. Should I hold, sell, or hedge my RSUs as they vest?
  • 3. How can I best manage the income tax liability of my RSUs, as they vest and as I sell them?

Being compensated in RSUs oftentimes is a win-win for a company and its employees, but without understanding these, and other, considerations, you may lose out on some of the financial benefits of being a RSU recipient. At Towerpoint Wealth, we are RSU experts, and we are here to help you.

Team (photo left to right):
Isabelle Orozco - Office Coordinator | Nathan P. Billigmeier - Director of Research and Analytics | Joseph Eschleman, CIMA®️ - President | Jonathan W. LaTurner - Partner, Wealth Advisor | Lori A. Heppner - Director of Client Services | Megan M. Miller, EA - Associate Wealth Advisor | Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP®️ - Director of Tax and Financial Planning | Luis Barrera - Marketing Specialist | Michelle Venezia, Client Service Specialist