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Triangulation of Advice

Triangulation of Advice

As an RIA, Towerpoint Wealth promotes what we call the “Triangulation of Advice.” It means our advice is separated from both where your assets are held and where the products and services we use are created. Unlike large banks and brokerage firms, at which advice, custody, and certain products are all sourced from the same place, Towerpoint Wealth minimizes these conflicts of interest by isolating each important consideration that influences our financial advice. How does an independent firm provide comprehensive services? As an independent firm, we are free to work with any of the financial industry’s leading companies in order to provide a fully integrated plan designed to meet your sophisticated objectives and expectations. Unlike traditional wirehouse firms, we are not tied to a single provider, so we are able to scour the financial environment to access the widest scope of resources available on our clients’ behalf, from institutional-asset-manager research to state of the art consolidated technology and reporting. We then leverage and customize those strategies and solutions to assure you a focused, boutique-level client experience. Independence allows us—and you—many freedoms, one of which is the ability to choose from a long list of strategic partner organizations, not only to smooth your transition to working with Towerpoint but also to facilitate our management and operations. We’ve chosen the best.

Simply put, we are independent but not alone.

Sacramento Financial Advisor

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