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Our Values

Towerpoint Wealth’s life values | Financial Services

In our personal and professional lives, we regularly encounter circumstances that interfere with our peace of mind and test our patience and character. Facing tough decisions is part of the normal course of being a parent, spouse, coach, son or daughter, colleague, advisor, and business associate. At Towerpoint Wealth, we believe that self-esteem, fulfillment, and resilience are nurtured by acting in accordance with a set of core life values. Strong life values are central to Towerpoint Wealth’s internal belief system, central to the wealth management planning we do with clients, and almost always, central to the internal beliefs of our clients. Our values form the cornerstone for the wealth management planning and work we do with clients, and directly influence and shape our priorities, reactions, and counsel. They serve as markers to tell each of us if our lives are heading in the right direction.

“Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.” Dali Lama

We strive to help each of our clients achieve, and then maintain, their financial independence. When a client has a customized financial and wealth management plan created in alignment with the unique vision they have for their future, we have aligned our actions with our values. Our peace of mind matches that of our clients. Life is balanced and we feel satisfied, content, and confident.

The wealth management planning values most central to Towerpoint Wealth’s internal belief system can be described this way:

  • Honesty and Integrity: At Towerpoint Wealth, we know that trust is built slowly over time, and it only takes one moment of dishonesty to destroy a relationship. But honesty is just one part of integrity. Acting with integrity is the keystone of our firm. We pledge to always act in our client’s best interests, and are bound both morally and legally to this pledge in our role as a fiduciary. We believe that having a strong moral and ethical compass is not only vital to success in business, but also in life. Each day we are working to engender the trust of our clients, because to live this way is to live authentically and true to ourselves.
  • Commitment and Strength (Resilience): Striking out on one’s own, as we did establishing this independent wealth management firm, as every young adult does when they get their first real job, as a widow does after losing a spouse, requires strength and resilience as well as commitment. Commitments are promises we make to ourselves and to other people. At Towerpoint Wealth, we are “client centric” in our approach to financial services, and make a commitment to the people who trust us. We are committed to helping each of our clients achieve, and then maintain, their financial independence. Sometimes best serving our clients means helping them through tough times, or reaching out and adopting new and better technologies. We can all relate to the resilience required to exceed the expectations we create for ourselves.
  • Gratitude and Devotion: We are so grateful for the abundance in our lives. We are grateful for our access to the best resources, the best people, and the best and most objective investment research. Life can be unstable, but staying devoted through uncertain times, remembering to be grateful for our families, friends, values, and beliefs, provides foundation and balance. Our financial services clients are not just a series of numbers on spreadsheets. We view every client as an extension of the Towerpoint Wealth family.  Many of our clients have found and followed us into this independent venture; we are so grateful for their trust, and we are devoted to being with them on their life journey.
  • Compassion and Patience: Many of us give back to our communities, spending time with those who most need it or sending money to those causes we believe in.  Sometimes it can be difficult to be patient with change or feel compassion towards those who are different from us. We are all part of this thing called the human condition. No doubt, we have different skin colors, religious preferences, and political points-of-view; but, at the end of the day, we still need to take care of each other.  Towerpoint Wealth, wealth management firm, believes in being part of a sustainable community that stretches from our Sacramento neighborhood to the greater Northern California area and beyond. We are active in the development and growth of our local and regional community, believe in directly giving back to where our clients and employees live and work, and enjoy supporting the causes and charities important to them. We provide direct financial support to charitable organizations, and also coordinate ongoing employee giving and volunteer activities. We don’t always see immediate results from our actions, but when we know we are doing the right thing, we can be patient and feel rewarded.

Wealth Management Plan Towerpoint Wealth Life Values Nathan

Wealth Management Plan | Towerpoint Wealth Life Values Joseph Eschleman

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