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Cybersecurity can be defined as a set of techniques used to protect the integrity of networks, devices, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. Network outages, hacking, computer viruses, and similar incidents affect our lives in ways that range from inconvenient to life-threatening. As the number of mobile users, digital applications, and data networks increase, so do the opportunities for exploitation.

Cybersecurity is important because government, military, corporate, financial, and medical organizations collect, process, and store unprecedented amounts of data on computers and other devices. A significant portion of that data can be sensitive information, whether that be intellectual property, financial data, personal information, or other types of data for which unauthorized access or exposure could have negative consequences. Organizations transmit sensitive data across networks and to other devices in the course of doing businesses, and cyber security describes the discipline dedicated to protecting that information and the systems used to process or store it.

As the volume and sophistication of cyberattacks grow in the world of finance, companies and organizations, especially those that are tasked with safeguarding information relating to financial records such as Towerpoint Wealth, need to take steps to protect their sensitive business and personnel information.

Towerpoint Wealth Cyber Protections

Multi-factor authentication (MFA): Towerpoint Wealth clients now have MFA capabilities when logging into their accounts through Schwab, via a mobile app that delivers a soft token code, which gives TPW private clients the option to leverage their existing smartphone instead of a physical token.

Voice ID and verbal passwords: Towerpoint Wealth clients have the option of adding verbal passwords as another additional level of security, if/when dealing directly with Schwab on the phone.

Charles Schwab Cybersecurity Protections

Schwab Security Guarantee


Charles Schwab public security tips

Additional Cybersecurity Resources

How to Respond to a Data Breach

Personal Cybersecurity What to Do

DHS Cybersecurity While Traveling

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