Too many Americans are unprepared for retirement. Do you know when to take Social Security benefits to maximize your benefit and minimize your tax burden? What income is taxable in retirement? If you don’t have a retirement plan yet, now is the time! We work with our clients to create a personalized retirement plan, including when to take Social Security benefits for maximum benefit, and how to reduce income tax by looking at what income is taxable in retirement. How much do you need for your retirement plan? Answers depend on many individual factors, and determining what these are is what we do for our clients at Towerpoint Wealth financial services.
Our clients leverage the many wealth management and financial peace of mind services we offer, with the singular focus of achieving, and then maintaining, their financial independence, and this includes a plan for retirement.
- Customization of a personal RightCapital® financial and retirement plan
→ Monte Carlo and retirement scenario stress-testing
→ Optimal retirement age modeling
→ Optimal retirement spending analysis
→ “Black swan” event planning and modeling - Sustainable retirement income planning
→ Towerpoint Wealth’s Cash Feeder Fund retirement income strategy - Customized Social Security Optimization benefit election analysis
- Corporate pension modeling
→ Pension benefit election analysis and optimization - Fixed, variable, and immediate annuity analysis
- Structured settlement modeling