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Steve Pitchford – Guest Appearance on Money Savage Podcast

Earlier this month, our Director of Tax and Financial Planning, Steve Pitchford, was a guest of George Grombacher’s Money Savage podcast. Steve and George spent 20 minutes discussing income tax minimization strategies associated with building and managing one’s investment portfolio. Noting the importance of focusing not on pre-tax returns, but instead on after-tax returns, Steve highlighted a number of strategies we use at Towerpoint Wealth to help clients reduce their obligation to Uncle Sam, and concurrently, maximize the after-tax growth of their portfolios.

Click HERE to download Money Savage Podcast or view and listen to Money Savage Podcast online HERE

The opinions expressed in this Podcast are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security. The views and opinions expressed by the hosts do not necessarily state or reflect those of Towerpoint Wealth, LLC and its management. The material discussed in the Podcast is only intended to provide education about the financial industry. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. Any past performance discussed during this program is no guarantee of future results. Any indices referenced for comparison are unmanaged and cannot be invested into directly. As always please remember investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital; please seek advice from a licensed professional.
Towerpoint Wealth, LLC is a registered investment adviser. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Towerpoint Wealth, LLC and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. No advice may be rendered by Towerpoint Wealth, LLC unless a client service agreement is in place.
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New Artwork for TPW’s Lobby

New Artwork for TPW’s Lobby

A huge thank you to Frank Damiano for the original new piece of art, “Long Distance” 2018, 48″ x 48″, oil and collage on canvas. Our lobby looks great, and we could not be happier with the way it turned out!

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Introducing Towerpoint Wealth’s new Client Service Specialist, Raquel Jackson

We are extremely excited to welcome Raquel Jackson to the Towerpoint Wealth family as the firm’s new Client Service Specialist. Raquel comes to us from the Golden1, where she was a Member Relationship Specialist. Prior to her work at the Golden1, Raquel was the Marketing Director for Barbizon School of Modeling, and an Assistant Branch Manager at Westamerica Bank.

She is the proud mother of three girls, Zaida, 17, Zenia, 13, and Daijah, 2. Raquel enjoys spending her spare time with her family and friends.

We look forward to immediately enlisting Raquel’s experience, intelligence, and energy in further enhancing our “red-carpet” client service as Towerpoint Wealth’s strategic growth path continues. Welcome aboard, Raquel!

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Towerpoint Wealth Mulvaney’s Client Appreciation Event

We had an absolute blast hosting 21 of our close clients and friends at the Towerpoint Wealth client appreciation / cooking demonstration last night! A big thank you to the staff of Mulvaney’s Building and Loan, and head honcho Patrick Mulvaney for helping to make the evening a very unique and special one for all of our guests! 

Click HERE to see all of the photos from the event on our Facebook page.

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TPW and Habitat for Humanity

Everyone at Towerpoint Wealth enjoyed a great day of giving back to the community a little through Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento. We enjoyed some solid team-building, getting dirty while painting all day – fortunately it was not too hot and the weather cooperated! The North Sacramento home we worked on will be occupied in November by Anna Sokolova, a single mother working full time, who recently completed a degree in bio technology through night classes online.

Click HERE to see additional photos.

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2018 Political Update

Cutting Through the Chaos

President Joseph Eschleman participated in a timely 2018 political update yesterday, led by Greg Valliere, Chief Global Strategist at Horizon Investments. Greg cut through the rhetoric and partisan maneuvering in this mid-term election year in leading a very productive discussion focusing on how Washington D.C. politics and policies affect the financial markets, and what we should make of the onslaught of Beltway news, tweets, and political posturing.

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Towerpoint Wealth’s new office and sign

While the move to our new offices has fortunately been relatively smooth, there have been a few hiccups along the way – namely, no Towerpoint Wealth sign and no logo! However, that changed today, when Signature Graphics did a beautiful (and efficient) install job above TPW’s main reception area, officially memorializing our new home. The buildout of our TPW headquarters is very close to being 100% complete, and we are tickled and proud of our new space, as the new sign and logo does a great job of helping our office environment feel much more like home.

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Towerpoint Wealth’s One-Year Anniversary Employee Dinner

The entire Towerpoint Wealth family and their significant others convened this past Saturday night to celebrate the firm’s one year anniversary. A cocktail hour at Mayahuel was followed by an elegant dinner at the “Chef’s Table” at Ella, and we don’t think anyone struggled to enjoy themselves!

Building the culture of our firm as a true family has been a central Towerpoint Wealth ideal since the beginning, as all TPW employees are required to not only work extremely hard in serving clients, but also to enjoy spending time together and play hard at every opportunity.

Click HERE to see more photos of our evening and to follow Towerpoint Wealth on Facebook.