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New Wealth Management Intern

We are excited to introduce Dominic Trolio as the newest addition to our team here at Towerpoint Wealth. Dominic is studying finance at Texas Christian University (TCU), and will be working as our wealth management intern this summer before heading back to TCU for his junior year. As we continue to grow, we recognize the importance of cultivating new talent, leveraging fresh perspectives, and furthering the potential of the next generation of financial leaders, and we couldn’t be happier to have Dominic aboard!

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TPW’s One Year Anniversary Celebration!

What a party! On May 26, 2017, we officially launched Towerpoint Wealth, and on June 6, 2018, we were lucky enough to celebrate our one year anniversary with all of you! We first enjoyed a vineyard and winery tour with 47 clients, colleagues, and friends. We then all retired into the winery, where each guest had the opportunity to create their very own unique blend of wine!

A private dinner of filet mignon, seasonal vegetables, and fingerling potatoes capped what truly was a wonderful evening for everyone involved, and we could not be happier with how far we have come (so far), and the relationships we have with each of our clients and close colleagues.

A big thank you goes out to Wise Villa Winery and Dr. Grover Lee, for helping us all to celebrate in style!

See additional photos HERE on our Facebook page (and be sure to follow us while you are there).

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Towerpoint Wealth New Office Buildout

Joseph and Lori enjoyed a tour of the buildout of Towerpoint Wealth’s soon-to-be new home on May 8, getting a better sense of the feel and functionality of our 3,000 sq. ft. of new space. Everyone at TPW is very excited at the prospect of working in our permanent office headquarters, hosting clients in our new Grubman Room, and playing a few games of pinball in our cozy lounge.

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“Test Drive a Tesla” Client Appreciation Event

Twelve TPW clients and friends joined us for our most recent “Test Drive a Tesla” appreciation event at the local Tesla dealership in Rocklin. Everyone was “charged up” for the opportunity to sit in, examine, and test drive these amazing electric vehicles, and nobody left disappointed after experiencing Tesla’s raw acceleration, taking their test drive vehicles from 0-60MPH in just 3.6 seconds. The company, the hors ‘oeuvre’s, and the showroom experience were all fantastic, but nothing beat the raw exhilaration seen on the faces of each of our guests after their Tesla test drive was complete!

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Adios, mortgage!

Adios mortgage! Two happy Towerpoint Wealth clients enjoyed a champagne toast after paying off their mortgage earlier this week. Always fun to see TWP clients accomplish major financial and life goals!

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State Street’s Noel Archard visits TPW

Mutual fund trends: We were fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend 45 minutes meeting with Noel Archard, State Street’s Global Head of Product. Noel has 25+ years of wealth management industry experience (and he is a Philadelphia guy!), bringing a specific expertise in exchange traded fund (ETF) and mutual fund structure, operations, and mechanics. Discussion topics included:

  • An overview of ETF & mutual fund trends across both retail and institutional investors.
  • State Street’s current thinking of SPDR ETFs – what will the future of product look like?
  • An overview of State Street’s existing SPDR ETF lineup & the logic behind their active ETF partnerships (DoubleLine, MFS, GSO, etc.).
  • An in-depth explanation of overall ETF structure/mechanics, and the process for bringing new ETFs to market.


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Lunch & Learn #5 – Residential Real Estate Investing

The momentum of Towerpoint Wealth’s Lunch and Learn series continued on January 18th, featuring 4th generation Sacramentan and real estate expert Brian Kassis, of RE/MAX Gold. The educational workshop was extremely well received, as eighteen attendees soaked in Brian’s 30 years of experience and wisdom, learning about the myriad of considerations, risks, and benefits of investing in residential real estate. Noting that investing in rental properties isn’t always for the faint of heart, Brian also stressed the many reasons supporting the longer-term wealth building benefits owning residential real estate can provide. Be sure to join us for our next Lunch & Learn, Six Surefire Ways To Improve Your Financial Life, on February 28th! 

Learn more here: A Guide For Real Estate Investing in Rental Property


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Lunch and Learn #4: Year-End Tax Saving Tips

Towerpoint Wealth hosted the fourth in its inaugural Lunch and Learn series of downtown educational workshops on December 13th, with Year-End Tax Saving Tips being the subject matter. Kevin McCarl, a Senior Tax Manager at Moss Adams, LLP, led the interactive discussion, as 15 attendees enjoyed boxed lunches from My Sisters Café while participating in the presentation. The timing of the L&L was excellent, as the content focused on actionable 2017 end-of-year ideas to minimize one’s income tax obligations, and also an update on the ever-changing major provisions of the big federal tax reform bill. We were pleased to have a number of guests let us know afterwards that this was 45 minutes of time well spent!

Tax Reform and Year-End Planning Update presentation

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Towerpoint Wealth 2017 kick-off / client appreciation / holiday party a hit!

83 clients, friends, and colleagues of Towerpoint Wealth got all “gussied up” in helping Towerpoint Wealth celebrate the official launch of the firm and of the 2017 holiday season. The theme of the evening was twofold, as the event venue, the Scandal Bar (inside of the swanky Citizen Hotel in downtown Sacramento), lent directly to the Roaring 20’s motif and attire. And Towerpoint Wealth’s president, Joseph Eschleman, also spoke to the themes of love and family in a heartfelt speech to all party attendees. A roaringly good time was had by all, and left the Towerpoint Wealth family eager for their invitation to TPW’s 2018 event!