Student Debt | You’ve graduated college, there is so much to look forward to and be excited about! Your first professional job, making money, traveling to new places, meeting new people, and no more studying! But for 44 million Americans, there is one part of college that unfortunately sticks with them for quite awhile: student loans.
Among the Class of 2019, 69% of college students took out student loans, graduating with an average debt of about $30,000. Most people believe that if they pay more than the minimum monthly amount, they won’t have extra cash for travel, nice things, and possibly even to invest. However, with the average student loan interest rate of 6%, it might sound crazy but it’s true: Even if you did invest that extra money, you might not break even!
Watch this video from our Sacramento Wealth Advisor and CPA, Matt Regan, to learn how making sacrifices and staying motivated can help you pay off your student debt sooner, save you money, and achieve greater peace of mind and full financial freedom.