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Wealth Management Process

Wealth Management Process

Sacramento Wealth Management Process Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth

Towerpoint Wealth maintains a core belief about the relationships our wealth advisors have with our clients: the most successful long-term professional advisory relationships are built on the cornerstone of the advisor spending significant time connecting with you, the client, which inevitably means an ongoing series of relationship-building meetings. Wealth Management Process : Below are five of the most common types of meetings a Towerpoint Wealth client should expect to have:

Discovery meeting

The initial discovery meeting is not about showing off our specialized expertise, but instead is a true information gathering process, a “total profile” interview that goes beyond just your assets and financial information that is focused on beginning to get to know you and the people who are important in your life. We dig deep into the details of what is important to you, working to uncover your key personal and financial needs, in aiming to clearly understand your goals, fears, time horizon, risk tolerance, and need for liquidity. The scope and depth of research and inquiry will differ from client to client, but the results are the same: becoming more intimate with who you are and what exactly is important to you while collecting valuable data

Sacramento Wealth Management Process

  • Data collection: We will gather all qualitative and quantitative financial and personal data from you, as it is essential we do accurate and honest data collection if we are to capture quality evidence that allows our ultimate analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible responses to issues raised and discussed in discovery.
  • Analyze and distill data: We then examine and evaluate all of the data, documents, and financial information using sophisticated financial planning software (see our Financial Planning Process page. This is a process of inspecting and modeling your data, with the goal of suggesting conclusions that will be the foundation for our decision-making.
  • Development of initial plan: Developing your customized longer-term comprehensive wealth management plan, including pre and post-retirement plan, income plan, and strategic and tactical asset allocation.

Financial plan meeting

The financial plan meeting is where we actually roll up our sleeves and begin to refine and further customize your plan, in the interest of affirming your longer-term needs and objectives, values, time horizon, risk tolerance, etc. We are not interested in simply spoon-feeding you results, and expect to be collaborative with you in distilling the rough draft of your plan into a workable final version.

Mutual commitment meeting

Following the financial plan meeting is the mutual commitment meeting, where we vet any final thoughts, questions, feedback, etc., and we formally begin our relationship and begin to execute the plan.

  • Implementation: Strategically execute the recommendations of the plan by identifying and helping to select specific strategies, solutions, products, and services. In this stage, we will work closely with your other service providers and professionals.

45-day follow up meeting

Oftentimes overlooked, this is a crucial meeting to help you get organized and ensure you are not overwhelmed by the volume of financial paperwork that often hits your mailbox in the initial weeks after implementation. This meeting also allows us to review and re-affirm the initial conclusions we have drawn and implementation decisions that have been made to date.

Regular progress meeting (usually semi-annual)

Understanding how intertwined the two are, we strive to openly discuss with you everything happening in your life, both personally and financially. Major changes in your life are usually cause to re-examine your customized wealth management plan, and even when you feel things are status quo, it typically does not take long to flesh out new financial planning issues that you may or may not have consciously considered. Regularly monitoring, revising, and adjusting your customized wealth management plan is central to our work together, avoiding falling asleep at the wheel while also striving to avoid micro-managing.

Are you searching “certified financial planner near me?” You’ve found Sacramento independent financial planner Joseph Eschleman, as well as certified financial planner Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP®, and our entire independent wealth management team.

We serve clients primarily in the Northern California region. Glad you’re here! Please contact us with any questions you have about our wealth management process.

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