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Teen “Financial Forum” held at Towerpoint Wealth

Towerpoint Wealth hosted a one hour “Financial Forum” for four teenage extended family members of current TPW clients Rich and Robin Martin, “holding court” in a round-table discussion about money, wealth building, risk, spending, and financial independence. A myriad of different topics were discussed, including:

1. The distinction between “making money” and “building wealth
2. A 10,000′ overview of what stocks and mutual funds are, as well as the importance of dividends and investment income
3. Why paying yourself first is essential; why a “pay yourself” rate of 10% is the bare minimum, and a rate of 20% is ideal
4. How to develop a solid financial foundation as a teenager heading into college, and the financial pitfalls and considerations that college students face

It was both a spirited and educational meeting in Towerpoint Wealth’s “anti-conference” room, as we sincerely enjoy spreading the “financial gospel” about these important financial issues to today’s youth, future investors, and capitalists.

Group Financial Forum Towerpoint Wealth Teenage Fun
Group Financial Forum Towerpoint Wealth Teenage Fun
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Towerpoint Wealth Hosts ESG/Socially Responsible Investing Event

We conducted a very well-received educational event at the John Natsoulas Gallery, combining both art and finance.

The theme was ESG investing, more commonly known as socially responsible investing, or SRI. Manisha Singh, CFA, portfolio manager and ESG expert at AIG, did a brilliant job of presenting and breaking down this important but sometimes confusing topic, and our guests enjoyed both the subject matter, the art and the gallery, as well as the fantastic hors d’oeuvres from Randy Peters Catering and Events.

ESGinvesting has gone from a fad to a trend to a full-blown movement, and at Towerpoint, we look forward to continuing to take a leadership role in this area as interest and demand continue to grow.

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TPW Welcomes New Wealth Management Intern, Alex Poulos

Towerpoint Wealth welcomed our new Wealth Management Intern, Alex Poulos, to the family today. Alex comes to us from U.C. Davis, where he will be a senior this fall and looking to complete his BS in Managerial Economics (and minor in Statistical Data Science). He is also treasurer of his fraternity, Theta Chi, and enjoys weightlifting and sprint-cycling in his free time. Please give Alex a warm hello and help us welcome him to the Towerpoint Wealth family!

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We take great pride at Towerpoint Wealth in serving our clients as a fully independent wealth management firm, but being independent does not mean being alone. The partnerships we continue to develop with financial industry leaders allows us to leverage the expertise of important external resources, as evidenced by our meeting yesterday at TPW’s downtown headquarters with Erik Feldman of Schwab Advisor Services, and Tom Glamuzina of Dynasty Financial Partners. Both Erik and Tom, along with Dynasty and Schwab, provide us direct support and counsel as we refine and improve our client service offering and internal systems and procedures, and we feel extremely fortunate to have them as part of the Towerpoint Wealth team.

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Loaves and Fishes Volunteer Day for Towerpoint Wealth

The entire Towerpoint Wealth team took a full day away from their responsibilities at the office to roll up our sleeves and help the homeless community in Sacramento, volunteering to prepare and serve lunch at Sacramento Loaves and Fishes.

It was a productive, sobering, and rewarding day of giving back to the local community and to those in great need, and we look forward to continuing to cultivate the TPW culture of volunteerism and of community outreach and support.

Click HERE to go to our Facebook page and see additional photos of our day at Sacramento Loaves and Fishes.

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Compliance software upgrade at Towerpoint Wealth

A BIG thank you to our Client Service SpecialistRaquel Jackson, and to Leigh Emery, IACCP® of Dynasty Financial Partners, as we upgraded our financial technology “stack” in implementing a comprehensive new cloud-based compliance system.

Leigh continues to be instrumental in helping us work both intelligently and efficiently in properly managing our ever-increasing compliance obligations in a challenging regulatory environment. Leigh (along with Dynasty’s full compliance team) provides us with excellent ongoing support, practical guidance, and real-world solutions to a myriad of compliance issues and responsibilities, and we are lucky to have her as a trusted partner.

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Another Mortgage Paid Off!

Towerpoint Wealth clients John and Yvette Haluck proudly toast the recent payoff of their mortgage, AND John’s retirement, as of December 31, 2018, with two glasses of bubbly! John, Yvette, congratulations to both of you, as we are pleased to have the opportunity to work side-by-side with you, helping you navigate your wealth management plan in accomplishing these two HUGE personal and financial milestones!

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TPW Investment Committee Hosts Sam Stovall

Sam Stovall, Chief Investment Strategist of U.S. Equity Strategy at CFRA, joined this week’s Towerpoint Wealth Investment Committee meeting to discuss his current outlook for the U.S. and global economy and financial markets. In addition to being a regular guest on CNBCBloomberg, and Wall Street Journal contributor, Sam is the Chairman of Standard and Poor’s Investment Policy Committee, and the author of two books, including The Seven Rules of Wall Street. We were honored to spend an hour hosting Sam and gleaning his insights, and will continue to look to proactively host guests of his stature for our regular TPW Investment Committee meetings.