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Dynasty Financial Partners NYC headquarters

President Joseph Eschleman spent a good, productive pre-Thanksgiving day at Dynasty Financial Partners NYC headquarters on Wednesday, collaborating with Dynasty’s CEO, Shirl Penney, about Towerpoint Wealth’s vision, buildout, and continued growth.

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TPW Lunch and Learn #3 a hit!

TPW Lunch and Learn series of downtown educational financial workshops continued yesterday afternoon, with the third in the L&L series focusing on how to reduce investment expenses. Sixteen attendees enjoyed listening to Towerpoint Wealth’s president, Joseph Eschleman, and A.J. Rea, Director at iShares, lead a spirited and interactive discussion on the importance of minimizing fees, costs, and expenses while working to grow (and protect) one’s net worth. A.J. and Joseph spoke not only to how exchange traded funds (ETFs) have revolutionized the investment landscape over the past twenty years and the mechanics of how they work, but also to how these extremely low-cost investment vehicles can help investors “get better gas mileage” on their portfolio.

Learn more about the fundamentals and low costs of exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

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Women in Otolaryngology (WIO)

Towerpoint Wealth’s president, Joseph Eschleman, was the featured expert speaker during last night’s Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) educational dinner, organized and hosted by prominent local ENT doctor Debbie Aizenberg. The quarterly dinners feature an expert in various professions, and last night’s event provided an interactive forum allowing guests to interface with Joseph about a myriad of personal financial and wealth management issues.

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Towerpoint Wealth Lunch & Learn Kick Off

Towerpoint Wealth kicked off its new Lunch and Learn series of educational workshops on August 30th with a presentation by Chris McKnett, Head of ESG for State Street Global Advisors. 

14 attendees enjoyed Panera boxed lunches while participating in the interactive meeting, discussing what ESG investing is (a method for evaluating, at every stage of the investment process, how companies’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices may impact their stock return potential), and how this approach to investing is becoming increasingly popular, spurred by shifting demographics, increased global climate and resource risks, regulatory changes, and an increased focus on ESG among asset owners.