Sacramento Wealth Towerpoint Wealth One Minute Tax Tips
Matt Regan No Comments

Donor Advised Funds (DAF) | One Minute Tax Tips

This week’s One Minute Tax Tip discusses managing your #charitablegiving in a tax-smart way by considering opening and funding a DAF, or donor advised fund.

In addition to the benefit of potentially receiving an immediate #incometaxdeduction, opening and funding a DAF allows you to transfer and donate stocks, bonds, and other appreciated investments, helping you to avoid paying capital gains taxes on them. Plus, you get to name your DAF whatever you may like (i.e. “The Jones Family Foundation” or “The Smith Philathropic Fund”)!

Click below to watch Matt’s 60 second video to better understand what this strategy entails, why 2020 might be an excellent year to open and fund a DAF, and email us at to discuss if this planning opportunity may make sense for you.