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Our Core Beliefs

Our Core Beliefs as an Independent Wealth Management Firm

At Towerpoint Wealth, Sacramento Independent Wealth Management firm, we embrace the responsibility our clients have commissioned us with, and as their wealth management advisor, recognize the significant duty we owe to our clients. We take pride in working to provide financial security and peace of mind during today’s volatile, unpredictable, and uncertain times.  It is our pleasure to assist our clients in meeting their day-to-day financial challenges as well as their long term goals for independent wealth.

Early on in the design of our independent wealth management firm, we at Towerpoint Wealth developed Core Beliefs that drive who we want to be when tasked with coordinating the wealth management of our family of clients. We believe that:

  • Successful investing is a long-term process, not a series of transactions or short-term events.
  • A clearly defined and properly coordinated plan for independent wealth is vital for financial success.
  • The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect. To achieve independent wealth, you need a temperament that does not derive pleasure from being with the crowd, and does not generate discomfort from being against the crowd.
  • We do not know what is going to happen in the future, and we have no control over it.
  • Reducing the two necessary evils to growing and protecting one’s net worth (taxes and expenses) drastically increases the probability of achieving independent wealth.
  • Risk is not bad or good, it is unavoidable, and successful personal wealth management requires that it be defined, justified, monitored, and minimized.
  • Financial and wealth management planning should simplify, not complicate, our clients’ lives.
  • All decisions should be made with your best interests in mind.  We are a fiduciary on your behalf: an independent wealth management firm that is legally obligated and ethically committed to place your interests above our own.
  • A good wealth management advisor will ensure that their clients are educated and knowledgeable. We are committed to ensuring that you fully understand how each decision we consider together impacts your overall wealth management strategy, and help you to move closer to your complete financial independence.
  • A properly diversified portfolio leads to the highest probability of the long-term success of a personal wealth management plan, and the proper allocation of capital is of utmost importance.

Are you searching “certified financial planner near me?” You’ve found Sacramento independent financial planner Joseph Eschleman, as well as certified financial planner Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP®, and our entire independent wealth management team.

We serve clients primarily in the Northern California region. Glad you’re here! Please contact us with any questions you have about our wealth management services.

independent financial advisor sacramento | Towerpoint Wealth

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