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How the AI User Experience Can Enhance Your Daily Life! 10.06.2023

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Picture this: It’s a brisk Monday morning, and as you groggily shuffle to the kitchen for your daily caffeine fix, a friendly voice chimes in from your countertop speaker, “Good morning! Your cappuccino is already brewing, and your schedule is all set. Don’t forget your jacket and umbrella, it’s 46 degrees out and rain is expected this afternoon. It’s going to be a great day!”

AI User Experience

No, it’s not your roommate trying to brighten your day; it’s your trusty AI-powered virtual assistant, making your daily routine not just manageable but downright delightful. In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is seamlessly woven into our daily lives (whether we’re aware of it or not), the question isn’t whether we can do something with AI; it’s more likely to be, “I can do THAT with artificial intelligence?” Welcome to the future where AI isn’t just a buzzword; it’s your everyday companion, your digital sidekick, and your key to a smoother, smarter, and more enjoyable daily routine.

Click the image below to read an excellent report on AI from Tech Republic.

Artificial Intelligence AI User Experience

We’ve been receiving a regular stream of questions from our clients and colleagues about AI. So if you’ve ever wondered about how AI brings “magic” to your daily life, and where the AI user experience can make your life easier and more convenient, then read on!

As we seek to answer the “I can do THAT with artificial intelligence?” question, dive into the world of the AI user experience, and identify the myriad of ways that artificial intelligence is making our daily routines smoother, smarter, and dare we say it, a lot more fun!

What sets the AI user experience apart from regular ole’ user experience (UX)? Imagine traditional UX as the friendly server at your favorite restaurant who knows your “usual.” They remember the go-to meal you typically like to order, talk with you about your family, bring you your favorite dessert, and make your dining experience a lot more pleasant. Now, think of the AI user experience as that server, but with a twist—they not only remember your usual, but also anticipate when you might want to try something new, and they bring it to you with a smile. In a nutshell, the AI UX is not just about personalization, but also about prediction and unparalleled convenience. Here are some specific examples of how we are, or can be, incorporating the AI user experience in our daily lives.

The AI-Powered Virtual Assistant

Let’s kick things off with our trusty AI companions: virtual assistants! Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant—these “folks” have become an integral part of our daily lives. They’re like the BFFs who help us navigate the digital world effortlessly.

AI User Experience

Take, for instance, the moment you groggily wake up and wonder about the weather. Instead of fumbling for your phone, you simply ask, “Hey Siri, what’s the weather today?” Voilà! You’ve got your daily weather report served on a digital platter. From setting task reminders and keeping shopping lists, to controlling smart home automation and making personal media recommendations, AI-powered virtual assistants make life more convenient and time-efficient, one voice command at a time.

Predictive AI: Making Life Easier

One of AI’s superpowers is its ability to predict your needs before you even realize them. Have you ever noticed how your smartphone suggests the next word you’re about to type? It’s not just reading your mind—it’s AI in action! Predictive text saves you time and makes messaging a breeze.

smartphone | Predictive text

But predictive AI goes beyond text. It’s the reason your smart thermostat adjusts the temperature before you even get home or why your favorite ride-sharing app seems to know exactly where you’re headed. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s always one step ahead.

Chatbots and Conversational AI

Remember the last time you had a question about a product or needed assistance with an online purchase? Chances are, you interacted with a chatbot, and while sometimes annoying, they can actually be surprisingly helpful! Chatbots are like the friendly customer support agents who never take a coffee break.

Chatbots and Conversational-AI-User-Experience

Whether it’s answering FAQs, troubleshooting tech issues, or even helping you place an order, chatbots are the unsung heroes of the online world. They’re available 24/7 and always ready to assist you.

Healthcare and Wellness: AI as a Health Assistant

AI isn’t just about making life more convenient; it’s also a health buddy. It’s there to help you stay fit, monitor your health, and even detect potential issues before they become major concerns.

monitor your health buddy

Think about wearable devices that track your heart rate and sleep patterns. They’re not just counting steps; they’re using AI to provide insights into your overall well-being. And let’s not forget the AI-powered diagnostic tools that assist doctors in making quicker and more accurate diagnoses. AI isn’t replacing healthcare professionals; it’s enhancing their capabilities, making sure you receive top-notch care.

Creativity and Content Generation

Here’s where things get really interesting! AI has started getting creative, and the results are nothing less than mind-blowing. From generating art to composing music and even writing articles, AI is proving that it can wear the writer’s and artist’s hat (or should we say, code?)!

Chat GPT Open AI - artificial intelligence

Imagine an AI-generated artwork that looks like it was painted by a master artist, or a song that sounds like it was composed by your favorite musician. AI isn’t just mimicking; it’s creating something entirely new and exciting.

Ethical Considerations in AI User Experience

Of course, we can’t talk about AI without addressing the elephant in the room—ethics. With great power comes great responsibility, and AI is no exception. Artificial intelligence can sometimes exhibit bias, invade privacy, or even make questionable decisions. It’s crucial that we develop AI responsibly, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability. After all, we want AI to be our trusty sidekick, not our supervillain!

The Future of AI User Experience

Imagine AI that understands not just what you say but also how you feel. It can detect your mood and offer comforting words when you’re down or share in your excitement during celebrations. The future holds AI that’s not just intelligent but emotional as well.

We’re also looking at AI that enhances collaboration between humans and machines. Picture a world where AI isn’t just a tool but a true partner in creativity and problem-solving. It’s a future where AI amplifies human potential rather than replacing it.

As we wrap up this AI adventure, one thing is clear: AI isn’t just a tech buzzword anymore. It’s your daily companion, your personal assistant, your creative muse, and so much more. Whether it’s simplifying tasks, offering recommendations, or adding a touch of magic to your daily life, AI is here to stay, and it’s making our world a more exciting place.

So, the next time you find yourself wondering, “I can do THAT with artificial intelligence?” just remember – it’s only the beginning. AI is on a journey of endless possibilities, and we’re all along for the ride!

How has AI improved your daily life? Have any AI-powered experiences surprised you lately? Please reply to us, and share your thoughts and stories – we’d love to hear from you!

Wealth Management Philosophy page on Towerpoint Wealth

In Case You Missed it TPW

Click the thumbnail image below to watch a fun video recap below of our 2023 Client Appreciation Gala held at the SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity, as our “Out of This World” event was a blast!

We can’t thank our incredible clients, friends, colleagues, and industry partners enough for joining us. Your presence transformed this event into a true success! At Towerpoint Wealth, we recognize that our journey is intertwined with your triumphs. Your unwavering trust and confidence drive our shared success story. The joy of your company, the shared celebrations – it all meant the world to us. Here’s to the ongoing collaboration, respect, and trust that define our exceptional partnership.

Thank you for making this evening unforgettable! A very special thank you to SMUD MOSAC for the hospitality, Sergio Serrano for the great music, Ginger Elizabeth Chocolates for the TPW-branded chocolate, and our friends at Mulvaney’s B&L for the delicious bites!

Click HERE to see a full photo gallery of the event!

Social Trending Moments | Trending Today | Independent financial advisor Sacramento

Click the images below to get caught up on some of our most recent trending moments at Towerpoint Wealth you might have missed!

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Trending Today Towerpoint Tube | Independent financial advisor Sacramento

Look at T-bill rates today compared to bank CD best rates, and also consider that T-bill interest is state tax free, and it becomes easier to understand why owning a Treasury bill trumps owning a certificate of deposit, all else being equal.

Click the thumbnail image below to watch a brand-new educational video we produced that dives into this important T-bill vs. CD distinction in greater detail!

Wealth Management Resources Education

TPW Taxes Today | Trending Today

The More You Know About Taxes.

4Q, 2023 Tax Planning

Now that we’re officially into October, doing some proactive fourth quarter tax planning is essential for individuals and businesses to optimize (read: minimize) their tax liability for the current tax year. Here are some tax planning ideas to consider for the fourth quarter:

For Individuals

  1. Maximize Retirement Account Contributions: Contribute the maximum allowable amount to your retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, or self-employed retirement plans like SEP-IRAs or Solo 401(k)s. These contributions can directly reduce your taxable income.
  2. Harvest Investment Losses: Review your investment portfolio for assets that have declined in value compared to when you originally purchased them, and consider selling them to offset current-year (and possibly future-year) capital gains. Capital losses can reduce your overall tax liability.
  3. Charitable Giving: Make charitable contributions before year-end to qualify for potential deductions. Consider donating appreciated assets, like stocks, to maximize tax benefits.
  4. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): If you are eligible for an HSA, consider making contributions before the end of the year to reduce taxable income. Ensure you are within the annual contribution limits.
  5. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs): Spend down your FSA funds before they expire. These pre-tax dollars can be used for qualified medical expenses.
  6. Review Tax Withholding: Check your tax withholding to ensure it aligns with your tax liability. Adjust your withholding if necessary to avoid underpayment penalties or overpayments.
  7. Consider Gifting: Take advantage of the annual gift tax exclusion by making gifts to family members or loved ones. Consult with a tax professional for strategies related to larger gifts or estate planning.

For Businesses

  1. Capital Expenditures: Consider making necessary business equipment purchases before year-end to take advantage of Section 179 expensing and bonus depreciation deductions.
  2. Review Employee Benefits: Ensure that your business is providing tax-efficient employee benefits, such as retirement plans, health savings accounts, and flexible spending accounts.
  3. Estimated Tax Payments: Calculate and make any necessary estimated tax payments for your business to avoid underpayment penalties.
  4. Inventory Management: Review your inventory and consider strategies to reduce it before year-end to lower your taxable income.
  5. Charitable Contributions: Businesses can also make tax-deductible charitable contributions. Ensure you keep proper records and documentation.
  6. Depreciation Strategy: Consider adjusting your depreciation strategy to maximize deductions or take advantage of any changes in tax laws.

Whether as an individual or as a business, remember to consult with a proactive tax professional! Every person and business is unique, and consulting with a tax professional or accountant to develop a comprehensive tax plan tailored to your specific situation is essential, time well-spent, and yet oftentimes overlooked.

Additionally, remember that tax laws can change, so staying up-to-date and working with a qualified tax advisor is crucial for effective tax planning. These ideas provide a starting point for your fourth quarter tax planning, but your specific circumstances may warrant different strategies.

Click the image below to complete our short form and download Towerpoint Wealth’s 2023 Tax Reference Guide, an excellent resource and tax “cheat sheet” that was designed to help you take advantage of the many tax deductions and opportunities there are to help shave to help shave money off of your tax bill!

Whether as an individual or as a business, remember to consult with a proactive tax professional! Every person and business is unique, and consulting with a tax professional or accountant to develop a comprehensive tax plan tailored to your specific situation is essential, time well-spent, and yet oftentimes overlooked.

Additionally, remember that tax laws can change, so staying up-to-date and working with a qualified tax advisor is crucial for effective tax planning. These ideas provide a starting point for your fourth quarter tax planning, but your specific circumstances may warrant different strategies.

2023 Tax Reference Guide

Have questions or concerns about filing your 2022 tax return?

Would you like to review an old tax return for missed opportunities?

Click the banner below to message Steve Pitchford, Steve Pitchford, Certified Financial Planner.

Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP® Director of Tax and Certified Financial Planning

Illustration Of The Week

Failures teach people lessons that are often more valuable than their successes.

Randy Pausch Experience

Concerned or Worried About your Portfolio?

Chart Of The Week Trending Today

US 10-year Treasury yields (read: interest rates), a key measure of the interest cost for future government borrowing, as well as consumer borrowing such as mortgages, have shot up to their highest levels in 16 years! The benchmark yield leaped on Tuesday, surpassing 4.8%, driven by the latest jobs report from the US Labor Department. The survey revealed a surge in job openings, raising the expectation that the Federal Reserve will have to maintain an interest rate regime of “higher for longer.”

The move spooked investors, with the S&P 500 Index dropping 1.4% on Tuesday, and the tech-heavy NASDAQ shedding nearly 2%.

Apart from hurting your stock portfolio, treasury yields that shoot up and stay up are a big deal for the government’s ability to borrow more debt. Borrowing a few extra billion, or trillion, with a promise to pay it back in 10 years will now come with a 4.8% interest rate for Uncle Sam — while only 3 years ago, the rate was just 0.8%.

Thanks to Chartr for the graph and commentary!

US 10-Year treasury yield

In light of how unsettled the economy and markets are, are you concerned or worried about the bonds in your portfolio, and/or the overall level of risk you are taking in your portfolio? Message us to discuss your circumstances.

Our Community, Trending Today Towerpoint Wealth

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note: 

As always, we sincerely value our relationships and partnerships with each of you, as well as your trust and confidence in us here at Towerpoint Wealth. We encourage you to contact us at any time, or call or email us ( with any questions, concerns, or needs you may have. The world continues to be an unsettled and complicated place, and we are here to help you properly plan for and make sense of it.

 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

We enjoy social media, and are actively growing our online community!

Follow us on any of these platforms, message us there and let us know your favorite charity.
We will happily donate $10 to it!

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A Wealth Management FESTIVAL? Future Proof 2023! 09.22.2023

Subscribe To Trending Today 2023 Sacramento financial advisor

While many of us were “stuck” in our offices tied to our computer screens last week, three of Towerpoint Wealth’s finest were in Surf City USA, soaking in not only the sun, but also the speakers, content, education, and networking of the world’s largest wealth management festival, Future Proof 2023.

Future Proof conference Wealth Management Festival

Akin to South By Southwest, Future Proof 2023 was a true departure from the “traditional” wealth management conferences we have previously participated in. For starters, Future Proof was held not in a stogy indoor hotel ballroom, but instead on The Boardwalk, a special ½ mile stretch of outdoor promenade, constructed specifically for the festival and directly next to Huntington Beach. With almost 3,000 attendees and more than 200 (!) world-class guest speakers, it was truly an enormous wealth management event – arguably an extravaganza – as the vision, creativity, and scale of the festival were unlike anything any of us at Towerpoint Wealth had ever experienced.

The energy and excitement of the festival were palpable from beginning to end, as our President, Joseph Eschleman, our Partner, Wealth Advisor, Jonathan LaTurner, and our Director of Research and Analytics, Nathan Billigmeier rubbed shoulders with the entire wealth management ecosystem during an arduous but invigorating four days.

Future Proof 2023

What exactly made the Future Proof 2023 “next level?” To quote Josh Brown, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management, who, along with Advisor Circle, co-created the wealth management festival, now in its second year:

“There’s something about the outdoor, beachfront setting that makes Future Proof different. I learned more – and shared more – at Future Proof… than at any other conference ever. This year’s event is going to be ridiculous. The agenda is incredible, the music is amazing, and the audience is shaping up to be a who’s who of this industry.”

Future Proof conference - financial advisors

Michael Kitces, co-founder of CY Planning Network and Chief Financial Planning Nerd for, suggested that the overall spirit of the festival was to “explore all aspects of the future of wealth,” seeking to “connect people, purpose, and ideas through the lens of wealth, technology, culture, and impact.”

Future Proof 2023 was an immersive journey into the ever-evolving wealth management universe, intended to ignite innovative conversations, and think outside of our normal Towerpoint Wealth perspectives. The festival centered around three key themes, all directly shaping the future of wealth management:

  1. Alternative Investments

    As alternative investments grow both in size and complexity, there’s an increasing need to sharpen our understanding. You know the drill: with great power (or, in this case, assets) comes great responsibility (or need for education). Future Proof industry expert speakers broke down this seemingly convoluted topic and transformed it into a growth opportunity through actionable insights and cutting-edge strategies.

  2. Artificial Intelligence

    Have you wondered what AI means for the larger economy, what implications it has for wealth management, or even on your regular day-to-day life? You’re not alone – these were some of the top-trending Google searches in 2023. The Future Proof conference took a deep dive into the world of AI, demystifying its complexities and spotlighting its profound potential.

  3. Macro Outlook

    A number of Future Proof 2023 speakers discussed the impact of the Fed’s actions, the weakening dollar, and the overall outlook for the global economy. It’s not just about predicting the future – it’s about how you are positioned to thrive in it.

Curious about some of the content that Joseph, Nathan, and Jonathan soaked in? Below you will find a curated summary of the festival highlights, as well as some of the events, breakout sessions, podcasts, and presentations that our TPW family participated in!

Sunday, September 10

1 minute video recap:

Monday, September 11

1 minute video recap:

  • Morningstar’s The Long View Podcast, with Christine Benz, Director of Personal Finance and Retirement Planning, and Jeff Ptak, Chief Ratings Officer, Morningstar, and guest Nizar Tarhuni, VP of Institutional Research, PitchBook

    In a live podcast recording attended by Joseph, Nathan, and Jonathan, Benz and Ptak interviewed Tarhuni on key trends in the market and the implications they have for the evolving investor that advisors aspire to serve.

    Based on PitchBook’s independent analysis, Nizar’s advice to advisors is, “if you want meaningful results from adding an alternatives sleeve to your clients’ allocation, you can’t just dip your toe in. You have to be ready to commit for an extended period of time, over multiple vintages, with significant capital capacity in order to access quality managers and achieve your return and diversification objectives.”
Morningstar’s The Long View Podcast

  • Using Generative AI to Create Unique Experiences That Clients Crave, with Christine Simone, President, Caribou

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way businesses engage with their clients by enabling the creation of unique and tailored experiences. Through advanced machine learning algorithms, AI can analyze vast amounts of data, from customer preferences to past interactions, to gain valuable insights. This data-driven approach allows companies to personalize their products and services, predicting and meeting individual needs and desires. Whether it’s recommending personalized content, optimizing user interfaces, or providing real-time assistance, AI empowers organizations to build deeper, more meaningful relationships with their clients. By harnessing the power of AI, businesses can offer seamless, one-of-a-kind experiences that leave a lasting impression and foster loyalty in an increasingly competitive market.
Christine Simone Future Proof conference
  • Driving Growth with Direct Indexing: Insights From 3 Industry Giants, moderated by Ian Wenik, editor, CityWire, Ben Hammer. Head of Client Development – Vanguard Personal Indexing, Vanguard, Brandon Haas, Head of Direct Indexing and Model Portfolios, S&P Dow Jones Indices, and Ari Rosenbaum, Principal, Director of Private Wealth Solutions, Canvas Custom Indexing

    Direct indexing is a modern investment strategy that allows investors to build customized portfolios of individual stocks or securities to closely mimic the performance of a particular index, such as the S&P 500, while also offering greater flexibility and tax efficiency compared to traditional index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). With direct indexing, investors can select and own the individual components of an index directly, rather than investing in a fund that holds those components. This approach offers advantages like the ability to optimize for tax efficiency by managing capital gains, harvesting tax losses, and incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into the portfolio. Direct indexing has gained popularity as technology and platforms have made it more accessible, allowing investors to tailor their investments to align with their specific financial goals and preferences.

0utdoor stage Future Proof conference

Tuesday, September 12

1 minute video recap:

Future Proof-Conference 2023 Tuesday Recap

  • Powerhouse PerspectivesScott Wapner, anchor and reporter, CNBC, and Jeffrey Gundlach, CEO, Doubline Capital

    Jeffrey Gundlach is a prominent American investor and financial expert known for his expertise in fixed income investments and his role as the founder and CEO of DoubleLine Capital, a leading investment management firm. Gundlach has gained renown for his astute market insights, particularly in the realm of bonds and interest rates. He has often been referred to as the “Bond King” in the media. Gundlach’s investment strategies and predictions are closely followed by investors and financial professionals alike, and he has received numerous accolades for his contributions to the field of finance. His ability to navigate complex financial markets and provide valuable investment perspectives has solidified his reputation as a significant figure in the world of asset management.

  • Powerhouse Perspectives: U.S. – China Relations, with Former U.S. Ambassador David Adelman, Managing Director & General Counsel, Kraneshares

    U.S.-China relations have long been characterized by a complex interplay of cooperation, competition, and occasional tension. As the world’s two largest economies and major global players, their relationship carries significant weight in shaping the geopolitical landscape. Over the years, both nations have collaborated on issues like trade, climate change, and regional stability, but they have also grappled with disagreements over human rights, intellectual property, and territorial disputes. David Adelman did an excellent job of discussing how the evolving dynamics of this crucial bilateral relationship continues to influence not only the Asia-Pacific region but also global politics, economics, and security, making it a focal point for international diplomacy and strategic maneuvering.

Wednesday, September 13

½ day final day!

  • Case Study: Revolutionary Cash Management for High Net Worth Clients, with Rob Burgess, technology reporter, Wealth Management magazine, Ben Cruikshank, President, Flourish Cash, Brett Orvieto, Managing Director, Senior Wealth Advisor, Dakota Wealth Management, and Lindsay Brock, Wealth Advisor, Stearns Financial Group.

    Many studies have tried to determine whether active management of equities can generate outsized returns relative to a stock market index. But what about cash? Can a more active approach to managing bank accounts generate higher returns? Active cash management oftentimes can deliver real ‘alpha’ on cash. For investors holding cash, cash management programs like Flourish Cash can offer clients higher interest rates, broader FDIC coverage, and streamlined account opening. Cash is no longer boring, and advisors need to ensure that their clients cash is maximized!

Joseph’s, Jonathan’s, and Nathan’s heads are still spinning with all of the information and insight from the festival, and our Towerpoint Wealth team cannot wait to roll up our sleeves and apply what was learned towards helping you better build and protect your wealth, and better helping you properly coordinate all of your financial affairs.

Click the Wealth Management Philosophy thumbnail image below to learn more about how we help our clients grow and protect their net worth.

Wealth Management Philosophy page on Towerpoint Wealth

In Case You Missed it TPW

Earlier this week our President, Joseph Eschleman, connected with two excellent TPW clients, Jeff and Sabrina Murphy, at Fieldwork Brewing in downtown Sacramento for a strategy session on what it might take for Jeff and Sabrina to open a new brewery or taphouse!

Seems logical that the three of them felt that drawing inspiration for a new brewery should only be done while imbibing a little at one of the best breweries in Northern California!

Fieldwork Brewing Sacramento.

Social Trending Moments | Trending Today | Independent financial advisor Sacramento

Click the images below to get caught up on some of our most recent trending moments at Towerpoint Wealth you might have missed!

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Trending Today Towerpoint Tube | Independent financial advisor Sacramento

Click below to watch a short and fun “mashup” video of Joseph, Jonathan, and Nathan’s experience at the Future Proof 2023 wealth management festival!

Future Proof conference Wealth Management Festival

Wealth Management Resources Education

TPW Taxes Today | Trending Today

The More You Know About Taxes.

Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs)

Charitable remainder trusts (CRTs) are a powerful financial planning tool that provide both philanthropic benefits and significant tax advantages. These trusts allow individuals to transfer assets, typically appreciated securities or real estate, to a trust while retaining an income stream for themselves or their beneficiaries for a specified period, often for life. One of the most attractive tax benefits of CRTs is the immediate charitable income tax deduction. When the assets are transferred to the trust, donors can typically claim a deduction for the present value of the charitable remainder interest. This deduction can help reduce the donor’s taxable income in the year of the gift, potentially lowering their overall tax liability.

Another substantial tax benefit of CRTs is the avoidance of capital gains taxes. Since CRTs are tax-exempt entities, they can sell donated assets without incurring capital gains taxes. This is particularly advantageous when the assets have appreciated significantly over time, as it allows donors to avoid a substantial tax hit that they would face if they sold the assets directly. By avoiding capital gains taxes, donors can reinvest the full proceeds from the sale, potentially leading to greater income for themselves or their beneficiaries. Additionally, CRTs can provide estate tax benefits by removing the donated assets from the donor’s taxable estate, potentially reducing the estate tax liability upon their passing. In essence, charitable remainder trusts offer a dual benefit of supporting a favorite charitable cause while optimizing the donor’s financial situation through favorable tax treatment.

Click the image below to download an excellent resource from Vanguard, summarizing the major charitable giving tools we regularly utilize at Towerpoint Wealth.

Compare giving options charitable mission

Have questions or concerns about filing your 2022 tax return?

Would you like to review an old tax return for missed opportunities?

Click the banner below to message Steve Pitchford, Steve Pitchford, Certified Financial Planner.

Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP® Director of Tax and Certified Financial Planning

Illustration Of The Week

Lakers basketball Jerry West

Concerned or Worried About your Portfolio?

Chart Of The Week Trending Today

The Federal Reserve Board (“the Fed”) kept interest rates unchanged at its Wednesday meeting.

The chart below from Morningstar highlights that a Fed “pause” has historically been bullish (positive) for equities over the past five rate cycles dating back to 1990.

Meanwhile, Fed interest rate cuts are historically bullish for bonds as well.

Fed Interest Rate Cycles

Our Community, Trending Today Towerpoint Wealth

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note: 

As always, we sincerely value our relationships and partnerships with each of you, as well as your trust and confidence in us here at Towerpoint Wealth. We encourage you to contact us at any time, or call or email us ( with any questions, concerns, or needs you may have. The world continues to be an unsettled and complicated place, and we are here to help you properly plan for and make sense of it.

 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

We enjoy social media, and are actively growing our online community!

Follow us on any of these platforms, message us there and let us know your favorite charity.
We will happily donate $10 to it!

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CDs are passé with T-bill rates today! 09.01.2023

Subscribe To Trending Today 2023 Sacramento financial advisor

When taking a closer look at T-bill rates today versus bank CD best rates, it becomes easier to see why owning a Treasury bill trumps owning a certificate of deposit, all else being equal. In support of this opinion, the Washington Post published a recent Alexis Leondis’ opinion piece about bank CDs that did not mince words:

Bank CD Best Rates

However, CDs issued by virtually every bank in the United States carry FDIC insurance protection, which is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government – a safeguard against loss that is a strong magnet for conservative and risk-averse investors. Attracting the attention (some might say “affection”) of those seeking safety, the FDIC is happy to prominently feature its feel-good, government-supported guarantee directly on its website.

Pull quote from website

However, as Alexis Leondis was quick to point out in her opinion piece, there is a lot more to the story that investors need to be aware of!

Understanding that careful consideration of their respective features is essential, Treasury bills (T-bills), short-term government bonds issued by the US Department of the Treasury, almost always carry virtually all of the benefits of CDs (time deposits offered by banks), with a number of additional features and economic benefits.

T-bills often emerge as the superior choice due to factors such as their exceptional liquidity, safety backed by an unlimited federal government guarantee, potential for better interest rates (consider T-bill rates today), and significant tax benefits. Let’s take a closer look at these four specific (and compelling!) reasons why owning a Treasury bill may be more advantageous than owning a certificate of deposit.

1.     Tax benefits

Owning and investing in T-bills offers clear-cut tax benefits in comparison to CDs. The interest income from T-bills, while still taxable at the federal level, is exempt from state and local taxes, presenting a notable advantage for investors residing in states with moderate to high state and local income taxes.

T Bill Rates Today Marginal individual income tax rates

This state and local tax exemption enhances the after-tax yield of T-bills, and helps to contribute to more efficient returns on investment (ROI). Conversely, the interest paid by CDs is fully taxable at the federal, state, and local level, potentially reducing net returns for investors. The tax-favored treatment of T-bill interest enhances their appeal as a tax-efficient investment, particularly for those seeking to optimize their returns while minimizing tax liabilities.

2.     Liquidity and flexibility

Treasury bills are renowned for their exceptional liquidity in the financial markets, are easily bought and sold, and offer distinct liquidity advantages over CDs. As short-term bonds issued by the US Treasury, these instruments are actively traded in the secondary markets, enabling investors the ability to easily buy or sell them (if need be) at prevailing market prices, even before their maturity. This dynamic secondary market presence provides a high degree of liquidity, enabling investors to swiftly convert T-bills into cash without incurring significant transaction costs. On the other hand, while CDs offer some liquidity, they often come with significant penalties for early withdrawals, which can discourage investors from accessing their funds before the CD matures.

3.     Safety and risk

Treasury bills hold a distinct advantage over certificates of deposit when considering safety and risk. T-bills are issued by the US Department of Treasury, and are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government without limits. This government guarantee makes T-bills virtually risk-free, as the likelihood of default is exceedingly low. This level of security provides investors with a safe haven for their capital, particularly during uncertain economic times.

Conversely, while CDs offered by banks also carry a degree of safety, they are subject to the credit risk of the issuing bank. Although many CDs are insured by the FDIC, these insurance limits are relatively low ($250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category), especially when compared to the limit-free US government insurance that T-bills provide. Additionally, if an investor owns a CD issued by a bank that fails, an investor would then have to go through the FDIC Proof of Claim process. Having the express and unlimited backing of the US government for T-bills provides a strong extra layer of assurance, making them a preferred choice for risk-averse investors seeking a reliable and secure investment option.

4.     Market interest rates

T-bill yields are often as competitive, and oftentimes more competitive, than the interest rates offered on CDs with comparable maturities, especially during periods of economic uncertainty or when interest rates are low. T-bill rates today haven’t been this high since 2001

T Bill Rates Today Bank CD Best Rates

T-bills frequently offer yields that are competitive with or even surpass the interest rates provided by CDs. This advantageous rate positioning stems from T-bills being issued by the U.S. government, effectively eliminating default risk and allowing investors to earn a return commensurate with the market’s risk-free rate.

Here are the current bank CD best rates from Marcus, a leading online bank, for six and twelve-month CDs (as of 8.30.2023):

High Yield CD Marcus Bank

Versus T-bill rates today as listed on CNBC’s website (as of 8.30.2023):

T Bill Rates Today CNBC 8 30 2023

When it comes to safe-harbor investments, don’t let the slick marketing of your local bank, or even the FDIC, influence your objective decision on how and where to invest your conservative money. T-bills offer an array of advantages over CDs, positioning them as the superior choice, especially for investors looking for security, liquidity, competitive returns, and tax benefits!

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In Case You Missed it TPW

 You’re Invited! Towerpoint Wealth’s 2023 Client Appreciation Gala

We’re thrilled to invite you to our big upcoming annual client appreciation gala! This is our way of saying “Thank You” for your incredible partnership, trust, and confidence in us. Without you, Towerpoint Wealth would not exist, and our mutual success wouldn’t be possible.

So it’s time to roll out the red carpet and raise a toast to you!

Click HERE to RSVP, and mark your calendar for an unforgettable evening of gratitude, camaraderie, and festivities at our upcoming Out of This World client appreciation gala at MOSAC, Sacramento’s newest museum of science and curiosity!

Out of This World annual client appreciation gala

Email To RSVP


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Out of this World!

As mentioned above, we are thrilled to be hosting our upcoming Out of This World annual client appreciation gala on September 28, and encourage you to click the image below to watch a fun 30 second preview of the event!

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TPW Taxes Today | Trending Today

The TAX-FREE states

Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming – the “select” nine states that do not levy a state income tax!

States Without Income Tax

Living in a tax-free state sounds great, but does come with both cons and pros. Let’s explore some of these aspects:


1.     Higher Disposable Income: One of the most significant advantages of living in a tax-free state is the higher disposable income. Without state income tax deductions, residents can keep a larger portion of their earnings, providing more financial flexibility for personal expenses, savings, investments, and leisure activities.

2.     Attractive for Retirees: Tax-free states often appeal to retirees on fixed incomes who can stretch their retirement savings further without state income tax eroding their funds. This can lead to a more comfortable and financially secure retirement.

3.     Business-Friendly Environment: Tax-free states tend to attract businesses due to the lower tax burden. This can result in increased job opportunities, economic growth, and potentially higher wages.

4.     Cost of Living Benefits: In some cases, tax-free states also have lower overall costs of living, including property taxes and sales taxes. This can further contribute to an improved financial situation for residents.


1.     Higher Property Taxes: To compensate for the lack of income tax revenue, some tax-free states may have higher property taxes or other forms of taxation. This can impact homeowners and renters alike, potentially offsetting some of the income tax savings.

2.     Lower Public Services: Reduced tax revenue may lead to fewer resources available for public services such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social programs. This can affect the quality and availability of these services in certain areas.

3.     Potential for Hidden Taxes: While some states don’t levy income taxes, they might have higher sales taxes, excise taxes, or fees that could offset the savings from not paying state income tax. Residents should carefully consider the overall tax burden.

4.     Limited Tax Incentives: Tax-free states may offer fewer tax incentives for specific activities, such as education or home ownership, that residents in other states might benefit from.

When evaluating the decision to live in a tax-free state, individuals should consider their financial situation, lifestyle preferences, and the overall tax landscape. While the lack of state income tax can be enticing, it’s important to weigh the trade-offs and consider the broader implications on public services, property taxes, and other costs of living.

Click the image below to view our 2023 Tax Reference Guide, and download an excellent resource intended to help you stay on top of and organized with your tax planning this year! 

2023 Tax Reference Guide

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Illustration Of The Week

There is a big difference between trying to simply make money, versus working to systematically build and protect wealth.

Which queue do you better stand in?

Slow and Steady Gains” “Get Rich Quick”

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Chart Of The Week Trending Today

Thanks to VisualCapitalist for the caption and the chart, with data from the Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse.

Reaping the rewards of tech revolutions, market booms, and more, the last decade has seen a remarkable increase in the number of global millionaires, which more than doubled between 2012 and 2022!

Distribution of global millionaire wealth

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Our Community, Trending Today Towerpoint Wealth

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note:

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 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

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The American Dream! Is a College Degree the Economic Key? 08.04.2023

Could it be that Benjamin Franklin was wrong when it comes to the American Dream?

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

Is achieving the American Dream easier after earning a college degree? Or is a college education overvalued, and no longer worth the associated time, costs, and energy?

American dream college education

The skepticism about the true value of earning a degree is real. Pundits and authorities are offering up a myriad of seemingly sensible and legitimate reasons to skip school and eschew an eventual cap and gown fitting.

  •  56% of Americans say earning a four-degree isn’t worth the cost, according to a recent Wall Street Journal survey.
  • College enrollment in the United States has declined over the past decade, dipping from 21 million students in 2011 to 18.7 million in 2021.
National Center for Education Statistics
  • Declining college affordability can be a significant barrier for many individuals, as the high costs of tuition, fees, housing, and living expenses associated with college can be prohibitive.
Cost of college tuition

  • Student debt has spiraled, acting as a deterrent for many individuals considering higher education. The prospect of accumulating significant student loans and entering the workforce with a mountain of financial obligations has reshaped the way people view the value of a college degree.

American student loan debt

In addition to the above-listed obstacles and impediments, personal considerations such as alternative career goals, family obligations, individual learning styles, political ideologies, entrepreneurial pursuits, and the desire for immediate income (“why learn when you can earn”) can also factor into whether or not a college degree is considered an important component in the pursuit of the American Dream.

🎓 But wait! Our commentary and our graphs are not meant to be a screed against the importance of obtaining a college education in pursuit of the American Dream; instead, at Towerpoint Wealth, we believe that perception is not always reality, and while there certainly are upfront opportunity costs (economic and otherwise) of pursuing a college degree, the evidence that a college degree significantly improves one’s employment prospects and earnings potential is overwhelming:

1.     Higher weekly/monthly earnings

Even in the best economic times, data show that workers who have higher levels of education typically earn more and have lower rates of unemployment compared with workers who have less education.

Earnings and unemployment rates education

2.     Higher lifetime earnings

Your earning potential is extremely likely to increase with your level of education. College graduates on average make $1.2 million more over their lifetime than those whose highest degree is a high school diploma.

Georgetown University Center on Education

3.     You’re more likely to have a job

College graduates are half as likely to lose their jobs as compared with people who have just a high school diploma.

Unemployment Rates by Educational Attainment

4.     You’re less likely to be poor

The incidence of poverty declines significantly as the level of education increases – only 4% of people with a Bachelor’s degree or higher were living below the poverty line in 2021.

Poverty Rate United States Education

5.     More access to job opportunities, and to jobs with better benefits

Having a college degree opens up opportunities that might otherwise have been inaccessible. College graduates see 57% more job opportunities than non-graduates, and the number of job postings requiring a Bachelor’s degree has increased significantly.

Job postings requiring a bachelor's degree from 2020 to 2022.

Even if you don’t start in a career that requires a college diploma, your degree can greatly expand the scope of your future opportunities to promote and earn.

Better-paying jobs which usually require a college degree oftentimes also offer better perks, such as 401(k) and retirement contribution matching, health insurance, tuition reimbursement, and commuter benefits.

While it’s important to acknowledge the drawbacks and challenges associated with pursuing a college education while pursuing the American Dream, it’s equally essential to recognize that the benefits often far outweigh these concerns, and we agree with Congressman Bobby Scott (D, VA):

American Dream Bobby Scott Quote

The list price of tuition does not tell the full story, as the net price of college is often much less than the “sticker price” A college  degree can serve as a gateway to expanded opportunities, higher earning potential, and a broader perspective on the world. Beyond the academic knowledge, college offers a platform for personal growth, critical thinking, and networking that can be invaluable in both professional and personal spheres. Moreover, the diverse range of experiences, exposure to different cultures and ideas, and the development of essential life skills can contribute to a more well-rounded and fulfilled individual. While the decision to attend college should be made with careful consideration of individual circumstances, the potential rewards of a college education, both in terms of career advancement and personal enrichment, often make it a worthwhile investment of time and money.

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A Wealth Of Knowledge Podcast : The Podcast

 Episode 04: Reducing the Necessary Evils of Investing Expenses and Taxes

In this episode, our President, Joseph F. Eschleman, CIMA®, and our Director of Tax and Financial Planning, Steven Pitchford, CPA, CFP®, unravel the complexities of managing and reducing the “necessary evils” of investing: expenses and income taxes.

Click the below image to listen! Joseph and Steve share valuable insights and practical strategies to empower you as an investor. Discover how to take control of your financial destiny in your pursuit of the American Dream by minimizing expenses and optimizing your tax planning.

Podcast a Wealth of Knowledge | Reducing the Necessary Evils of Investing Expenses and Taxes

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Alternative Investments

For virtually all investors, 2022 was a challenging and frustrating year. Persistently high inflation has resulted in an environment of quickly rising interest rates, leading to a “double-whammy” of twin selloffs across both stocks and bonds. After increasing more than 31% in 2019, 18% in 2020, and 28% in 2021, the S&P 500, an often-cited proxy for the stock market, declined 18.32% in 2022. And to make matters worse, the bond market, as measured by the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, suffered through declines not experienced in more than 50 years.

Put differently, investing in conventional stock and bond asset classes did not work very well in 2022. Not surprisingly, these declines led to an increase in demand for “supplemental” investment opportunities outside of these traditional areas, and led more and more people to inquire about alternative investments. Put simply, an alternative investment is any financial asset that does not classify as a traditional stock, bond, or cash. While they can vary widely in their accessibility and structure, alternatives can provide an opportunity to 1.) boost returns, 2.) generate income, 3.) provide potential tax benefits, and 4.) reduce risk in a portfolio. Institutions like pension funds and endowments have been utilizing them for years, and today, more and more individual investors are questioning why they have no alternative investments, and whether they should change their investment plan to include them.

Click the thumbnail image below to watch a webinar that we recently produced, and learn answers to the following questions:

  • What are alternative investments?
  • Is it important to have exposure to “alts” in your current portfolio?
  • Is it bad if you do not own any alternatives?
  • I heard alternative investments can be expensive – is that true? Does it matter?
  • What are the risks and benefits of adding alts to your investment strategy?
What are alternative investments Forum

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TPW Taxes Today | Trending Today

Tax Credits (and a Deduction) for College Students

Tax credits for college students are a crucial component of the financial aid landscape, offering much-needed relief to students and their families grappling with the soaring costs of higher education. These credits, often referred to as education tax credits, provide eligible individuals with an opportunity to offset a portion of their qualified education expenses, thereby reducing their overall tax liability. Two prominent tax credits that have significantly eased the financial burden of college attendance are the American Opportunity Tax Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit. The American Opportunity Credit, which is usually available for the first four years of post-secondary education, grants a credit of up to $2,500 per eligible student. This credit covers expenses like tuition, fees, and required course materials, making it especially beneficial for undergraduate students pursuing a degree. On the other hand, the Lifetime Learning Credit offers a more flexible option, applying to a broader range of educational pursuits, including graduate studies, continuing education courses, and skill enhancement programs. With a potential credit of up to $2,000 per tax return, this credit accommodates students seeking to further their education throughout their lives.

You can also take a tax deduction for the interest paid on student loans that you took out for yourself, your spouse, or your dependent. This benefit applies to all loans (not just federal student loans) used to pay for higher education expenses, with the maximum deduction being $2,500 a year. If you are single, head of household or a qualifying widow(er), your student loan interest phase-out starts at $75,000 MAGI, and ends at $90,000. If you are married you can make $150,000 before phase-out begins. You can earn up to $180,000 which is the level at which the phase-out ends.

Click the image below to view our 2023 Tax Reference Guide, and download an excellent resource intended to help you stay on top of and organized with your tax planning this year! 

2023 Tax Reference Guide

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Our Community, Trending Today Towerpoint Wealth

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note:

As always, we sincerely value our relationships and partnerships with each of you, as well as your trust and confidence in us here at Towerpoint Wealth. We encourage you to contact us at any time, or call or email us ( with any questions, concerns, or needs you may have. The world continues to be an unsettled and complicated place, and we are here to help you properly plan for and make sense of it.

 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

We enjoy social media, and are actively growing our online community!

Follow us on any of these platforms, message us there and let us know your favorite charity.
We will happily donate $10 to it!

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Money and Marriage – Getting Hitched Pays! 07.21.2023

“It’s not so much who wears the pants, but how much money is in the pockets.” 

Money and marriage often dance together in a delicate waltz of financial decisions and shared goals. For better or worse, money plays a significant role in the dynamics of a marital relationship. From (sometimes) merging bank accounts and setting joint budgets to navigating financial disagreements, couples must learn to communicate openly and honestly about their financial attitudes and priorities.

Money and Marriage – Getting Hitched Pays!

Money can either be a source of stress and conflict, or an empowering tool for building a solid future together. By working as a team and aligning their financial values, couples can unlock the true potential of their partnership, achieving not only financial security but also a deeper understanding and connection with each other. Ultimately, finding a harmonious balance between love and money becomes the key to a successful and fulfilling marriage. 

While money and marriage can be complicated, there are many financial benefits of marriage that are undeniable, and can help with the decision to tie the knot. For some, it’s like having a built-in financial advisor and budgeting buddy, except they’re also your forever Netflix partner. Imagine splitting the bills, sharing expenses, enjoying two incomes, and budgeting together – minus Monty Hall, it’s like a never-ending game of “Let’s Make a (Financial) Deal!” 

Money and Marriage | Let's Make A Deal

While the financial benefits of marriage should probably not be the number one priority when deciding whether to tie the knot, if the money and marriage connection is of interest to you, below you will find some of the key economic advantages to getting hitched! 

1. Two incomes, shared cost

Combining two incomes often leads to increased financial security and a higher standard of living. With two individuals earning an income, there is more money available to cover essential expenses, build savings, and invest for the future. This can make it easier for couples to achieve their financial goals, such as buying a home, paying off debt, or saving for retirement. 

In addition to combined incomes, the benefits of shared costs in a marriage extend far beyond just splitting expenses. Sharing costs as a married couple can lead to a more efficient and effective use of resources, fostering financial stability and security. It also enables spouses to pool their resources, which can lead to increased purchasing power and potential savings on everyday expenses, from groceries to utility bills. Moreover, sharing costs can alleviate financial stress and reduce the burden of individual financial responsibilities, promoting a sense of teamwork and mutual support within the marriage. Ultimately, when considering money and marriage and by sharing costs, couples can build a stronger financial foundation and navigate life’s financial challenges as a united front, reinforcing the bond that comes with being partners in both love and money. However, many of the cost benefits of tying the knot become moot when kids enter the picture! 

2. Tax Benefits 

Marriage also provides opportunities for tax benefits, as mentioned in greater detail in the TPW Taxes section below. Compared to single filers, couples filing jointly can potentially lower their overall tax liability and access various tax credits and deductions that might not be available to single individuals. This can result in significant savings. 

3. Insurance 

When you’re married, health insurance and employee benefits can be more advantageous. Many employers offer benefits packages that cover spouses, which can lead to better healthcare coverage and reduced medical expenses. This can be particularly valuable if one spouse’s employer provides superior health insurance options compared to the other’s. Additionally, married couples oftentimes qualify for lower premiums on automobile, homeowners, and other insurance policies, as rates can go down when you get married. This is because insurance companies consider married couples more financially stable and risk-averse. 

Car insurance Rates By Martial Status

4. Access to credit 

It can be more cost-effective to obtain credit when you are married, thanks to the combined financial strength of the couple. Lenders often take into account both spouses’ incomes and credit histories when evaluating credit applications, which can lead to more favorable terms and lower interest rates. With a higher combined income, the couple may qualify for larger credit limits and better loan terms, such as lower APRs on credit cards or mortgages. Additionally, if one spouse has a stronger credit score than the other, their financial credibility can positively impact the overall creditworthiness of the application. This can translate into more competitive offers and increased access to credit options, ultimately making borrowing more affordable for the couple as they embark on shared financial endeavors. 

However, it is important to note that when it comes to money and marriage, getting married doesn’t impact your individual credit score, and credit reports are not combined. 

5. Social Security 

Social Security benefits can be more lucrative when you are married, thanks to certain spousal benefits and strategies. For instance, a married individual may be eligible to receive a spousal benefit, which allows them to claim Social Security based on their spouse’s work record. This can be especially useful if one spouse has a significantly higher lifetime earnings history. Additionally, married couples can strategically coordinate their claiming strategies to maximize their combined benefits. For example, the higher-earning spouse can delay claiming their Social Security, allowing their benefit to grow over time, while the lower-earning spouse can start claiming earlier, providing some income for the couple. By leveraging these spousal benefit options and optimizing their claiming strategies, married couples can enhance their overall Social Security income and ensure a more financially secure retirement together. 

Click the image below if you would like us to assemble a fully-customized andcomplementary Social Security Optimization Analysis for you and your spouse. 

Social Security Benefits Estimator

To be clear, love comes first! However, when it comes to money and marriage, the financial benefits of taking the plunge can be substantial. From the potential for lower tax liability and enhanced access to tax credits, to increased earning potential and improved savings opportunities, marriage can provide a solid foundation for a couple’s financial well-being. Sharing costs and combining resources can lead to a more efficient use of income, empowering couples to pursue shared financial goals with greater ease. Moreover, the ability to strategize and optimize benefits, such as Social Security and retirement accounts, further strengthens the financial advantages of being married. While every individual situation is unique, the potential for financial stability, increased security, and shared prosperity makes marriage an appealing option for many couples seeking to build a brighter financial future. 

Marriage and Money Married Share Newsletter

Click the Wealth Management Philosophy thumbnail image below to learn more about exactly how we help our clients save and invest for retirement while minimizing taxes.

Wealth Management Philosophy page on Towerpoint Wealth
Incase You Missed it Wealth Advisor Near Me

This past Tuesday, most of the Towerpoint Wealth team participated in The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament’s Brown Bag Lunch Program in downtown Sacramento. In response to the growing numbers of downtown homeless needing food, nourishment, and kind words, the TPW team prepared and then handed out nutritious brown bag lunches (consisting of a protein, a fruit, a healthy carb, and a bottle of water) to feed approximately 150 homeless men and women.  Click on the video and watch a small recap of our morning.

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Marriage and Money Getting Hitched Pays

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What is a Fiduciary Financial Advisor?

A fiduciary financial advisor is a trusted professional who operates with the utmost integrity and puts their clients’ best interests above their own. Unlike other financial advisors, an advisor with a fiduciary duty has a legal and ethical obligation to act solely in the best interest of their clients, ensuring that any advice or recommendations provided are completely unbiased and aligned with the client’s personal and financial goals and needs. The highest standard of care in the wealth management industry, it instills confidence in clients, knowing that their advisor is committed (and legally obligated) to transparency, honesty, and prudent financial practices. 

Are you working with or considering working with a broker, who is only obligated to the suitability standard?If so, it is essential to understand how the fiduciary duty that a fiduciary financial advisor has to their clients is different. 

Click the image below to watch an excellent educational video, designed to help you learn more! 

Click HERE to browse TPW’s library of other wealth-building and wealth-protecting educational videos.

Towerpoint Taxes Sacramento Financial Advisor Near Me

Marriage and Uncle Sam

The More You Know About Taxes.

Married couples who choose to file their taxes jointly can enjoy several significant tax benefits. One of the primary advantages is the potential to lower their overall tax burden. When filing jointly, couples can often take advantage of more advantageous tax brackets, which means they may pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes compared to filing separately. Additionally, the standard deduction, as well as certain tax credits and deductions (such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit), can be more accessible or higher in amount for couples who file jointly. These benefits can directly reduce the amount of tax owed or result in a larger tax refund. Want proof? See the 2023 IRS income tax brackets found below: 

Marriage and Money Married Filling Jointly | 2023 IRS income tax brackets

Another key benefit of married filing jointly is the ability to contribute to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and Roth IRAs, even if one spouse does not have earned income. Funding a “spousal IRA” allows a working spouse to contribute to a non-working spouse’s retirement account. This can be an effective strategy to boost overall retirement savings and potentially reduce the couple’s taxable income. By pooling their resources and filing jointly, married couples can often optimize their tax situation and maximize the financial advantages offered by the tax code. However, it’s essential for couples to carefully evaluate their specific financial situation and consult with a tax professional to determine the most beneficial filing status for their needs. 

Click the image below or view our 2023 Tax Reference Guide, and download an excellent resource intended to help you stay on top of and organized with your tax planning this year!  

2023 Tax Reference Guide

Have questions or concerns about filing your 2022 tax return?
We welcome connecting with you and are happy to help. Click the banner below to message Steve Pitchford, Steve Pitchford, Certified Financial Planner.

Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP® Director of Tax and Certified Financial Planning
Chart of The Week Wealth Advisor Near Me

Thanks to Chartr for the caption and the chart! 

Data from Pew Research reveals that an astonishing 25% of 40 year olds in the US have never been married, marking a record high share. In 2010, the corresponding figure was 20%, and if we go back to 1980, just 6% of 40 year olds had yet to tie the knot. 

The data fits with the longer-term trend in marriage — people have been getting married at a lower rate and generally later in their lives. Indeed, the typical age for men to say “I do” was just over 30, while women typically married a few months after their 28th birthday, according to the US Census Bureau. Both these ages have increased by around 5 years since the turn of the century. In 2000 the median age for men and women to get married was 26.8 and 25.1, respectively, and if you go back to the 1950s, women were typically getting married just after they turned 20. 

 US Census Bureau Getting Hitched

In light of how unsettled the economy and markets are, are you concerned or worried about

the bonds in your portfolio, and/or the overall level of risk you are taking in your portfolio? Message us to discuss your circumstances.

Our Community Financial Advisor Near Me

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note: 

As always, we sincerely value our relationships and partnerships with each of you, as well as your trust and confidence in us here at Towerpoint Wealth. We encourage you to contact us at any time, or call or email us ( with any questions, concerns, or needs you may have. The world continues to be an unsettled and complicated place, and we are here to help you properly plan for and make sense of it.

 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

We enjoy social media, and are actively growing our online community!

Follow us on any of these platforms, message us there and let us know your favorite charity.
We will happily donate $10 to it!

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What is Your ROI For Real Estate? 07.07.2023

ROI, or return on investment, measures the profit earned on an investment after all costs of the investment are deducted. ROI for real estate is simply a measurement of the return on an investment property.

Real Estate ROI calculation

Your real estate ROI is a critical metric that every real estate investor should know and compute regularly, yet many fail to do a real estate ROI calculation when determining whether to purchase, or continue to hold, an investment property.

Factors For ROI real estate investing

Here are five key things to consider when doing a real estate ROI calculation, all extremely important and useful when evaluating whether or not it is prudent to buy, or hold, a piece of investment real estate:

1.     Income generation

Real estate investments almost always generate income through rental properties, such as residential apartments, commercial spaces, or vacation rentals. The ROI for real estate in this case is calculated by dividing the net income (“top line” rental income minus expenses like maintenance, taxes, insurance, and vacancy rates) by the initial investment. A higher real estate ROI indicates better income generation potential and increased profitability.

2.     Appreciation

Real estate values have historically appreciated over time, allowing investors to benefit from capital appreciation. A real estate ROI calculation should take into account the increase in property value when determining returns. To calculate real estate ROI based on appreciation, subtract the initial investment cost from the final sale price of the property and divide it by the initial investment. A higher ROI signifies a significant appreciation in the property’s value.

real estate ROI Nominal House Prices

3.     Cash flow

Positive cash flow occurs when your rental income exceeds your property expenses and mortgage payments, and is an essential component of ROI for real estate. Positive cash flow allows investors to recoup their initial investment while still generating income, while negative cash flow can reduce real estate ROI, as it means the investment is not generating enough income to cover all expenses.

4.     Leverage and financing

Real estate investments often involve leveraging (borrowing) money through mortgages or loans. This allows investors to maximize their returns by using other people’s money. The ROI for real estate calculation considers both the initial investment and the costs associated with financing. However, it’s important to assess the risks associated with leverage, such as interest rates, market fluctuations, and debt service coverage ratios.

Commercial and residential real estate mortgages

5.     Time horizon

The time frame in which an investment is held can significantly impact your real estate ROI calculation. Real estate investments are generally considered long-term, and ROI for real estate calculations should reflect this perspective. Over time, real estate investments can experience fluctuations in income and value. It’s crucial to consider the overall return over the holding period rather than shorter-term variations.

Click the image below for an excellent and downloadable template spreadsheet to use when doing an initial real estate ROI calculation.

Real Estate ROI Calculation

Real estate ROI is a comprehensive tool for investors to gauge the profitability of their real estate investments. By considering factors such as income generation, property appreciation, cash flow, leverage, and the investment’s time horizon, individuals can make informed decisions and assess the potential risks and rewards associated with real estate investments. However, it is important to remember that real estate markets can be dynamic and subject to various economic and market conditions. Therefore, thorough due diligence, proper risk assessment, and ongoing monitoring are essential for optimizing a real estate ROI calculation.

By leveraging the power of ROI for real estate, investors can navigate the complexities of the real estate market and strive to maximize their returns while building a robust and diversified investment portfolio.

Forward Trending Today To A Friend

Click the Wealth Management Philosophy thumbnail image below to learn more about exactly how we help our clients save and invest for retirement while minimizing taxes.

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Towperpoint Wealth team

Last Thursday the entire Towerpoint Wealth team headed to Oakland for a teambuilding event, watching the A’s take on the Yankees at the Oakland Coliseum. While the home team did not bring home the ‘W,’ the TPW team enjoyed a full day of ballpark activities and each other’s company.

Congrats to the Yankees on their victory, making both Nathan and Michelle very happy!

Click HERE to message us with any questions or concerns you may have about your retirement right now.

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Real Estate ROI calculation Quote

Towerpoint Youtube Wealth Advisor Near Me

The Sacramento Housing Market is Heating Up!

Right now, the Sacramento housing market is experiencing a scarcity of available homes. This lack of supply, coupled with inflation and higher interest rates, is making it more expensive for borrowers to obtain loans. As a result, many homeowners with low mortgage interest rates are hesitant to sell and move. Concurrently, our limited housing supply has led to increased demand, providing support to home prices, even with money being more “expensive” now.

Put differently, our real estate market here in Sacramento continues to be both a challenging one, and an unusual one, to unpack and understand.

Despite these challenges, the Sacramento housing market is still better than some might perceive. Click the image below and enjoy taking a few minutes to watch a recent discussion our President, Joseph Eschleman, shared with ABC10 news anchor Lora Painter, as the two shine light into some of the more recent developments in the greater Sacramento real estate market, and the impact they’re having on homeowners, renters, and investors like you.

Real Estate ROI Sacramento Real Estate Market

Click HERE to browse TPW’s library of other wealth-building and wealth-protecting educational videos.

Towerpoint Taxes Sacramento Financial Advisor Near Me

The (Higher) Standard Deduction

The More You Know About Taxes.

Taxpayers often get frustrated when they are unable to itemize their taxes due to the higher standard deduction. Itemizing allows individuals to list and deduct specific expenses, such as mortgage interest, property taxes, medical expenses, and charitable donations. It gives them a sense of control and the opportunity to potentially reduce their taxable income. However, with the introduction of a higher standard deduction, many taxpayers find that their itemized deductions no longer exceed the standard deduction threshold, making it less advantageous to go through the itemization process.

Standard deduction Taxes - 2023 Tax IRS

Realistically, a higher standard deduction has many advantages and can be beneficial for many taxpayers. It simplifies the tax filing process by eliminating the need to gather and itemize numerous expenses, which can be time-consuming and complicated. Additionally, a higher standard deduction increases the threshold at which itemizing becomes advantageous, allowing more taxpayers to benefit from a reduced tax liability.

Overall, a higher standard deduction promotes fairness, simplifies the tax system, and provides a broader reach of tax benefits to a larger population.

Click the image below to view our 2023 Tax Reference Guide, and download an excellent resource intended to help you stay on top of and organized with your tax planning this year! 

2023 Tax Reference Guide

Have questions or concerns about filing your 2022 tax return?
We welcome connecting with you and are happy to help. Click the banner below to message Steve Pitchford, Steve Pitchford, Certified Financial Planner.

Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP® Director of Tax and Certified Financial Planning

Chart of The Week Wealth Advisor Near Me

While the shorter-term returns of the stock market over the last year have handily exceeded the long-term average (see 1-Year column below), performance over the last two years has been equally extreme in terms of underperformance.

Quoting Bespoke Investment Group (thank you to them for the chart as well):

“As easy as it is to say the market has gotten ahead of itself, it is just as easy to look over a different time period and say that it has fallen behind. It all depends on your timeframe.”

S&P500 Current Average Total returns

In light of how unsettled the economy and markets are, are you concerned or worried about

the bonds in your portfolio, and/or the overall level of risk you are taking in your portfolio? Message us to discuss your circumstances.

Our Community Financial Advisor Near Me

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note: 

As always, we sincerely value our relationships and partnerships with each of you, as well as your trust and confidence in us here at Towerpoint Wealth. We encourage you to contact us at any time, or call or email us ( with any questions, concerns, or needs you may have. The world continues to be an unsettled and complicated place, and we are here to help you properly plan for and make sense of it.

 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

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Follow us on any of these platforms, message us there and let us know your favorite charity.
We will happily donate $10 to it!

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FIRE Investing for Financial Independence! 06.23.2023

In the realm of investing, where opportunities crackle and fortunes are forged, there exists an incandescent area known as FIRE investing. FIRE is an acronym for Financial Independence, Retire Early, and as the flames of financial independence burn brightly, FIRE investing embraces the goal of a self-sufficient life, early retirement (many FIRE investing adherents target a retirement in their late 30s or 40s), and liberation from the shackles of traditional employment.

Financial independence | Fire Investing

Embracing a philosophy of intentional living, sacrifice, disciplined saving, and strategic investment to fuel the flames of wealth accumulation and financial independence, FIRE investing maintains a fervent focus on frugality and aggressively saving money. FIRE followers focus on living well below their means so they can save and invest large portions of their income, all in the interests of achieving an early retirement and complete financial independence.

Think you have the discipline, tenacity, desire, and guts to become a FIRE investing disciple? The first rule is to calculate your FIRE number, and then practice the four key tenets.

Computing your FIRE number is akin to figuring out the approximate amount of money you need to reach financial independence. While this is a very subjective analysis with many variables to account for, the very general rule of thumb is to multiply your anticipated annual expenses by 25.

Financial independence | Fire Investing Estimate example

This FIRE number equation is simply an estimate, it does not account for inflation, increased medical expenses, pensions and Social Security, real estate equity, anticipated inheritances, and a myriad of other variables. But it’s a starting point, and once you have determined it, you can then begin practicing the four key tenants of FIRE investing:

1.     Aggressive savings – between 40% to 70% of your annual income!

FIRE practitioners aim to maximize savings by adopting a frugal lifestyle and by tracking and minimizing expenses (see tenant four below). They usually create a disciplined budget and look to increase their earned income by asking for a raise, finding a higher-paying job, or adopting a side-hustle, all in the interests of increasing their capability to save, and accelerate the growth of their portfolio and net worth.

bar chart financial independence

2.     Strategic investing

FIRE investors recognize the power of strategic investing to generate wealth over the long term. They diversify their investment portfolio across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and possibly alternative investments. By following a disciplined investment approach and taking advantage of compounding returns, they aim to maximize their investment growth and income generation and compounding.

The proper prioritization of saving and investing is also important for FIRE investors, as taking advantage of free money (via various employer matching programs) and tax-advantaged accounts are central doctrines not to be mismanaged.

Five steps of prioritizing investments with Fire investing

3.     Sustainable withdrawal rate

Once financial independence is achieved, maintaining it is just as important. Developing a sustainable withdrawal rate from your portfolio plays a crucial role in FIRE investing, serving as a guiding principle for supporting a desired lifestyle after retiring early. A general rule of thumb for how much you can sustainably take from your portfolio once retired is around 3-4% of your investment portfolio annually.

This rate is meant to strike a balance between meeting ongoing retirement and lifestyle expenses, while preserving the long-term viability of your investments. By adhering to a conservative withdrawal rate, FIRE investors aim to ensure that their funds last throughout their retirement years. This requires diligent monitoring of expenses, and the flexibility to allow for adjustments to the withdrawal rate as necessary, considering factors such as investment performance, inflation, and potential unforeseen expenses. By carefully managing their withdrawal rate, FIRE investors can confidently pursue their early retirement dreams while maintaining financial independence and the freedom to enjoy a fulfilling post-career life.

Fire Investing retirement portfolio success rate

4.     Lifestyle optimization / economic discipline

Also known simply as “living below your means,” lifestyle optimization is a pivotal aspect of FIRE investing, and focuses on the strict minimization of discretionary expenses. Personal fulfillment is defined quite differently by each of us, as accelerating your journey towards financial independence comes with the tradeoff of a frugal lifestyle and mindset. Making a long-term commitment to nurturing a sense of contentment and forgoing excessive consumerism may sound good in theory, but can be challenging in practice.

Fire Investing financial independence Bob Net Worth

While achieving financial independence early is the central goal of FIRE investing, the FIRE lifestyle is certainly not for everyone. Making the strict sacrifices needed to retire early can be quite difficult, as the lifestyle trade-offs of a reduced budget, downsized housing, and foregone luxury and comfort items are not palatable for many individuals. However, for those who have the fortitude and the discipline, FIRE investing can be rewarding and extremely empowering, as it is impossible to put a price tag on the peace associated with financial independence!

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Click the Wealth Management Philosophy thumbnail image below to learn more about exactly how we help our clients save and invest for retirement while minimizing taxes.

Wealth Management Philosophy page on Towerpoint Wealth

Trending Today In Case You Missed It

Associate Wealth Advisor-Megan Miller Steve Pitchford

Our Associate Wealth Advisor, Megan Miller, EA, and Director of Tax and Financial Planning, Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP®, worked hard together earlier this week collaborating on a client’s customized financial plan.

We are fortunate to have an on-staff CPA, CFP®, and EA, and both Steve and Megan have had a huge impact on the level and sophistication of the planning and wealth management work we regularly do with clients.

Our clients and our firm are lucky to have both of you, Steve and Megan!

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Crypto making a comeback!

Despite economic uncertainty and a regulatory crackdown on some crypto exchanges, bitcoin prices have nearly doubled since last December, and have risen ~ 20% just this week, with the price eclipsing $30,000 for the first time since mid-April.

Crypto Exchanges Bitcoin

At Towerpoint Wealth, we recognize that digital assets like bitcoin and Ethereum will continue to exhibit short-term volatility as a new asset class.

We also continue to believe that the entrance of major Wall Street institutions into the digital assets market indicates a significant shift in the financial landscape. In particular, Bitcoin’s acceptance as a mainstream asset class offers investors a diversification opportunity, while its unique properties position it as a potential digital gold.

Click below to watch a recent educational video we produced about digital assets and cryptocurrencies, and learn why we believe that crypto is here to stay, and not going away

Crypto Is Here To Stay Not Going Away

Click HERE to browse TPW’s library of other wealth-building and wealth-protecting educational videos.

Trending Today TPW Taxes

Organizing Your Financial Records

The More You Know About Taxes.

Many people struggle every time they open their mail or email. “Is this important? Do I need this? Should I keep it? Should I throw it away?”

When it comes to managing your financial records, it’s crucial to strike a balance between keeping necessary documents and disposing of those that are no longer needed. Certain financial records such as tax returns, W-2 forms, and supporting tax documentation should be retained for a specified period to comply with legal requirements and for personal reference.

It is advisable to shred any discarded documents that contain personal or sensitive information to protect against identity theft. Ultimately, maintaining an organized system for financial record-keeping ensures that you retain the necessary documents while minimizing clutter and unnecessary storage.

Click the image below or view our new Wealth Management Resources webpage, and download an excellent resource from MFS that should help you stay organized and purge with confidence! 

Organizing Your Financial Records

Have questions or concerns about filing your 2022 tax return?
We welcome connecting with you and are happy to help. Click the banner below to message Steve Pitchford, Steve Pitchford, Certified Financial Planner.

Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP® Director of Tax and Certified Financial Planning

Chart of the week Sacramento Financial Advisor

Where are Americans moving to?

Internal migration within the United States has been a significant phenomenon that has shaped the country’s demographic and economic landscape. Often driven by factors such as job opportunities, politics, lifestyle preferences, cost of living, and family considerations, migration has been a constant feature of American society.

Individuals and families frequently relocate from one state to another in search of better employment prospects, improved living conditions, or a change in environment. For instance, people may move from rural areas to urban centers in search of employment in industries such as technology, finance, or entertainment, or from urban centers to rural areas due to a desire for a quieter and more peaceful lifestyle away from the hustle and bustle of urban areas, the allure of a closer connection to nature, more affordable housing, and the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities such as gardening, hiking, or farming.

Surprisingly, while the pandemic did not disrupt the decline in the rate of people movingChartr’s graph below highlights the fact that those who do decide to pack up and switch states contribute to regional variations in population density, cultural diversity, and economic activity, as people gravitate toward areas that align with their aspirations and needs.

Chartr graph plots net migration and population growth

In light of how unsettled the economy and markets are, are you concerned or worried about

the bonds in your portfolio, and/or the overall level of risk you are taking in your portfolio? Message us to discuss your circumstances.

Trending Today Our Community

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note:

As always, we sincerely value our relationships and partnerships with each of you, as well as your trust and confidence in us here at Towerpoint Wealth. We encourage you to contact us at any time, or call or email us ( with any questions, concerns, or needs you may have. The world continues to be an unsettled and complicated place, and we are here to help you properly plan for and make sense of it.

 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

We enjoy social media, and are actively growing our online community!

Follow us on any of these platforms, message us there and let us know your favorite charity.
We will happily donate $10 to it!

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Prognosticate at Your Own Peril! 06.09.2023

Predicting the future is an intriguing and complex endeavor that has captivated human imagination throughout history.


And although the Simpsons have somehow consistently done it well, in real life it has also repeatedly been proven to be next to impossible to do. We strongly urge you to express humility about your ability, or anyone else’s, to accurately prognosticate.

“Nothing is sure tomorrow, nothing is sure next year, and nothing is ever sure, either in markets or in business forecasts, or in anything else.”

– Warren Buffett, at Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder meeting, May 6, 2023

In the same vein, predicting the stock market is often regarded as a futile and risky endeavor, and there are several important reasons why relying on predictions can be extremely detrimental to investors. The stock market is a complex system influenced by numerous factors, including economic indicators, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment. Attempting to accurately forecast these variables is an incredibly challenging task, even for seasoned professionals. While there are many who prognosticate, the inherent uncertainty and volatility of each variable make it nearly impossible to consistently predict market movements with precision.

Kevin Kelly Prognosticate Quote

The reliance on predictions can also tempt investors who profess to be objective, and “longer-term,” to engage in speculative behavior, and can lead to irrational investment decisions. When individuals become fixated on trying to forecast the shorter-term movements of the market, they may overlook the longer-term fundamentals of a company or investment. This speculative mindset often results in impulsive buying or selling, driven by fear or greed, rather than by careful analysis of the underlying value of an investment. Such behavior can lead to market bubbles and crashes, as prices become detached from the true worth of the assets.

Additionally, the availability of prognostication in today’s 24/7 news cycle can create a false sense of security among investors. Some may rely heavily on what “the experts” have to say about the future, and to overvalue this forecasted information, and make investment decisions based on these predictions. However, predictions are inherently subjective, and are usually prone to biases. Even sophisticated predictive models are almost always flawed, as they are oftentimes built on historical data that may not accurately reflect unknown future market, political, and economic conditions. Listening to those who prognosticate, and blindly following predictions without considering other relevant factors, can expose investors to unnecessary risks and potential losses.

Prognosticate | Knowledge Predict

Here at Towerpoint Wealth, we believe that the inclination to predict the shorter-term future movements of the stock market undermines the core principles of longer-term wealth building, investing, and value creation. Successful investing is about being disciplined, having and objectively following a well-thought-out plan, and remaining objective during periods of market, economic, and political extremes. By focusing too much on predictions, investors may lose sight of the importance of patience, diversification, and confidence in a well-thought out financial and investment plan. We believe that those who remain committed to their investment thesis over time will be well-rewarded, as opposed to those who constantly chase and flip-flop based on short-term market fluctuations and well-articulated stories.

Relying on predictions to navigate the stock market is fraught with risks, oftentimes leading to poor investment decisions. The inherent complexity, uncertainty, and volatility of the market make accurate predictions a formidable challenge, at best. Furthermore, an overemphasis on predictions can promote speculative behavior, foster irrational decision-making, create false security, and detract from the fundamental principles of longer-term investing. Instead of fixating on predictions, investors are better off focusing on sound investment strategies, thorough research, and a disciplined approach to create value in their portfolios.

Prognosticate Quote

While the bashing of forecasting is easy, at Towerpoint Wealth we believe it remains necessary, as predicting the future easily sells in today’s media-driven culture. People are inherently drawn to “talking heads” who authoritatively prognosticate about what is going to happen in the market and the economy over the next day, week, quarter, or even year. Open any newspaper or turn on any financial news programming (and we use that term lightly), and it is easy to find an expert with a strong opinion about what lies around the corner.

Jim Cramer Economy

Rather than listening to these “experts” prognosticate, we encourage you to instead take your cues from the true masters of wealth building:

  • “We should be very cautious in what we expect of our prescience.”

– Howard Marks

  • “I figure that I want to swim as well as I can against the tides. I’m not trying to predict the tides.”

– Charlie Munger

  • “There is very little value added trying to predict where the market is going or guessing whether it’s overpriced or underpriced.”

– Bill Miller

And finally:

Quote attributed to John Bogle | John Bogle Stock Market Return Patterns

Click the Wealth Management Philosophy thumbnail image below to learn more about exactly how we help our clients save and invest for retirement while minimizing taxes.

Wealth Management Philosophy page on Towerpoint Wealth

Trending Today In Case You Missed It

Foodie Adventures tour of San Francisco | Fiduciary Clients

While attending the annual Professional Fiduciary Association of California (PFAC) conference in San Francisco last week, our Partner, Wealth Advisor, Jonathan LaTurner, and our Associate Wealth Advisor, Megan Miller, hosted a number of our professional fiduciary clients on a Foodie Adventures walking food tour of North Beach and Chinatown in San Francisco.

In addition to two full days of fiduciary education (here is the conference agenda), it looks like Jonathan and Megan did an excellent job of mixing a little pleasure with business while in SF!

Click HERE to message us with any questions or concerns you may have about your retirement right now.

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YouTube Wealth Management

Retiring with two million dollars.

Is $2 Million Enough to Retire? 5 Steps to Retiring with $2 Million

A 2020 survey from Schwab Retirement Plan Services found that the average worker expects to need roughly $1.9 million to retire comfortably. Is $2 million enough to retire? Is retiring with 2 million dollars a reasonable goal? There certainly are a myriad of moving parts involved in answering the question of whether retiring with $2 million is enough, and a number of things to consider.

Is $2 million enough to retire if you plan to live off interest alone? Is $2 million enough to retire if you plan to embark on expensive hobbies? Where you will live, and how? What will you need to cover health costs? These are just some of the financial complexities when you consider retirement.

Whatever the number you settle on as “enough,” click below to watch our latest educational video, and learn five specific steps you can take immediately to grow your net worth.

Click HERE to browse TPW’s library of other wealth-building and wealth-protecting educational videos.

Trending Today TPW Taxes

The MEGA Backdoor Roth 401(k)

The More You Know About Taxes.

How would you like to stash an extra $43,500 into a tax-free account?

The Mega Backdoor Roth 401(k) is a strategy that allows high-income earners to contribute significant amounts of after-tax money into their employer-sponsored retirement account, and then immediately convert those funds into a Roth 401(k). While traditional Roth IRA contributions are subject to earned income limits, the Mega Backdoor Roth 401(k) offers a way for individuals to surpass those limits and leverage the tax-free growth a Roth 401(k) provides. By utilizing this strategy, individuals can contribute significant sums of money beyond their standard 401(k) contribution limits, potentially turbocharging their retirement savings.

Here’s how the Mega Backdoor Roth 401(k) works: First, max out your regular contributions (either “traditional” pre-tax or Roth) to your 401(k) account – for 2023, the ceiling is $22,500 if you are under age 50, or $30,000 if you are over age 50.

Then, if your employer allows it, you make additional after-tax contributions, beyond the aforementioned annual contribution limits. For 2023, the total combined 401(k) contribution limit, including this Mega Backdoor Roth 401(k) strategy, is $66,000, or $73,500 for individuals 50 years old and older. Once these extra after-tax contributions are made, the funds can then be immediately converted into a designated Roth 401(k) account via an in-plan conversion. This in-plan conversion allows these “extra” contributions to grow tax-free, and qualified withdrawals from Roth 401(k) accounts in retirement are also tax-free. It is important to note that the Mega Backdoor Roth 401(k) strategy may not be available in all employer-sponsored retirement plans, so it’s crucial to check with your plan administrator to determine if this option is available to you.

We encourage you to contact us to discuss whether or not your 401(k) plan allows for Mega Backdoor Roth 401(k) contributions, and whether or not this strategy would be a worthwhile tool to utilize within your current wealth management plan.

Mega Backdoor Roth 401(k) Conversion: A loophole enabling high-income

Have questions or concerns about filing your 2022 tax return?
We welcome connecting with you and are happy to help. Click the banner below to message Steve Pitchford, Steve Pitchford, Certified Financial Planner.

Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP® Director of Tax and Certified Financial Planning

Chart of the week Sacramento Financial Advisor

Bond INCOME Is Most Important!

The swift price declines in the bond market in 2022, caused primarily by aggressive increases in interest rates, were upsetting for some investors.

However, the longer-term performance of bond investments has come mostly from income return, not price return!

Put differently, bonds (and in particular, the income that they generate) are still a hugely important component of a properly-diversified portfolio, and higher interest rates can generally be *beneficial* for longer-term bond investors!

Bond Income Price Return and total return for U.S. aggregate bonds

We have found that bonds can generally be more confusing than stocks for a number of our clients. Are you curious and want to learn more? Click on the image below to download the five-page Vanguard report.

Vanguard | Why you shouldn’t abandon bonds

In light of how unsettled the economy and markets are, are you concerned or worried about

the bonds in your portfolio, and/or the overall level of risk you are taking in your portfolio?

Looking for a Sacramento Wealth Advisor to discuss your circumstances? Message us today.

Trending Today Our Community

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note:

As always, we sincerely value our relationships and partnerships with each of you, as well as your trust and confidence in us here at Towerpoint Wealth. We encourage you to contact us at any time, or call or email us ( with any questions, concerns, or needs you may have. The world continues to be an unsettled and complicated place, and we are here to help you properly plan for and make sense of it.

 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

We enjoy social media, and are actively growing our online community!

Follow us on any of these platforms, message us there and let us know your favorite charity.
We will happily donate $10 to it!

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The GREED and FEAR Index – Greed Could Be Good? 05.26.2023

Michael Douglas won critical acclaim and the 1988 Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role for playing him in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street. And whether you love or despise the notorious Gordon Gekko, the ambitious, manipulative, charismatic, and cold-blooded character became an icon in popular culture, representing the archetype of the ruthless and GREEDY corporate villain. 

Greed and fear  | Greed is good

Seeing how despicable he is, is it possible that Gekko on some level may actually be correct? We can confidently state that it sure doesn’t feel right, or virtuous, or moral, to say that greed is good, so how is is possible that it actually might be? 

“Of course, none of us are greedy. It’s only the other fellow who’s greedy. 😊 

Below is a thoughtful, provocative, and intellectual two minute conversation between the great economist, Milton Friedman, and the great American media personality, Phil Donahue, discussing the drawbacks and merits of greed. Donahue’s questions are excellent, and agree or disagree with Friedan’s perspective, the dialogue challenges the conventional viewpoint that greed is bad. 

Merits of greed

The clip has some excellent Friedman quotes: 

  • “Tell me, is there some society you know that doesn’t run on greed? Do you think Russia doesn’t run on greed? Do you think China doesn’t run on greed?”  
  • “The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests.” 
  • “In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you’re talking about, the only cases in recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade.” 
  • “Is it true that political self-interest is nobler somehow than economic self-interest?” 
  • “And just tell me: Where in the world do you find these angels who are going to organize society for us?” 
  • “There is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of people than the productivity of free enterprise.” 

We believe that Friedman is a giant in the world of economics because he does not just work within theories in a vacuum sitting in some office, but instead directly accounts for human nature and behavior. Warren Buffett holds very similar views about human behavior and investor sentiment: 

Be Greedy when others are Fearful

Greed (and its counterpart, fear) is so widely recognized as an influencing factor in the financial and investment markets that CNN created an index for it: 

CNN’s Fear and Greed Index

Everybody has an incentive to maximize their lot in life. And certainly while unchecked greed can lead to unethical behavior and harm others, a certain level of ambition…greed…can be a powerful motivator for individuals to work harder, take risks, and push beyond their comfort zones. It fuels a desire for personal advancement and success, inspiring individuals to set ambitious goals and make determined efforts to achieve them. This drive and motivation can lead to personal growth, innovation, and the accomplishment of remarkable feats. 

Greed, when harnessed within the framework of a competitive market, can stimulate economic growth and foster innovation. Entrepreneurs driven by a desire for wealth and success often start businesses and develop new products, services, and technologies to satisfy market demand and to improve society as a whole. This entrepreneurial spirit can create job opportunities, drive technological advancements, and enhance overall productivity, benefiting society as a whole. 

 greed that makes us human

Fully recognizing the importance of striking a balance between ambition (dare we say greed), and ethical considerations, and that the pursuit of wealth aligns with integrity and social responsibility, at Towerpoint Wealth we also fully understand Gordon Gekko’s point, and work to recognize, capitalize on, and leverage how greed, as a natural human emotion, can oftentimes create opportunities for our clients as we help them develop and execute on a disciplined plan to build and protect their wealth

Greed/Buy at the peak and Fear/Sell at the trough

Click the Wealth Management Philosophy thumbnail image below to learn more about exactly how we help our clients save and invest for retirement while minimizing taxes.

Wealth Management Philosophy page on Towerpoint Wealth
Trending Today In Case You Missed It

Big TPW news! 

Steve Pitchford wedding

Last weekend our Director of Tax and Financial Planning, Steve Pitchford, tied the knot to his beautiful fiancée, Katie. 

The couple had an exquisite wedding at Rancho Roble Vineyards, surrounded by friends, family, and of course the whole TPW family! 

Join us in wishing the newlyweds a very happy and prosperous life together! Congratulations Steve and Katie! 

Steve Pitchford weddingSteve Pitchford wedding

Thinking about getting married? Currently a newlywed? 

Click HERE to message us with any questions or concerns you may have
about your new financial circumstances. 

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Is crypto worth investing in?

The Truth about Crypto. Is Cryto Worth Investing In?

Did you see Joseph Eschleman, CIMA® on ABC10 last week??!! 

Lora Painter interviewed our President about “The Truth about Crypto” and how it can be considered as a potentially complementary part of a properly diversified investment portfolio.

Thanks for having us back ABC10 – we love informing viewers about money and spreading the “financial gospel.” Click the video above and learn more about crypto currency.

Click HERE to browse TPW’s library of other wealth-building and wealth-protecting educational videos.

One of our favorite wealth-building and wealth-protecting quotes of all time, from legendary investing great Peter Lynch.  

wealth-building and wealth-protecting quotes | Peter Lynch

Trending Today TPW Taxes

Health Savings Accounts taxes

Pooled Income Fund

A pooled income fund (PIF) is a type of charitable giving vehicle that allows donors to make contributions to a common fund, which is then invested by the fund manager. The income generated from the investments is distributed to the individual donor(s) based on their share of the fund. Pooled income funds are often established by nonprofit organizations, such as universities or foundations, to provide a structured and efficient way for individuals to support charitable causes, but are oftentimes established by “regular” retail investors as well. 

One of the key benefits of pooled income funds is the ability to receive income for life. When donors contribute to a pooled income fund, they typically receive a regular income stream from the fund’s investments for the remainder of their lives. This can be particularly advantageous for individuals who want to support charitable organizations while also ensuring a steady income during retirement. 

Additionally, donors may receive a charitable income tax deduction for their contributions to the pooled income fund, which can provide additional tax and economic benefits. 

Overall, pooled income funds offer a unique opportunity for individuals to combine their philanthropic goals with financial planning. By contributing to a common fund and receiving income for life, donors can make a lasting impact on charitable causes while also enjoying the financial security of regular lifetime income. 

We encourage you to click the image below to learn more, and to contact us to discuss whether considering a pooled income fund would be a worthwhile tool to utilize within your current wealth management plan. 

Have questions or concerns about filing your 2022 tax return?
We welcome connecting with you and are happy to help. Click the banner below to message Steve Pitchford, Steve Pitchford, Director of Tax and Financial Planning.

Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP® Director of Tax and Certified Financial Planning
Chart of the week Sacramento Financial Advisor

The debt ceiling

While we remain confident that a debt ceiling deal will be reached, how (un)sustainable is the overall level of our borrowing as a country? 

US debt ceiling since 1970
rise of the US debt

Trending Today Our Community

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note

As always, we sincerely value our relationships and partnerships with each of you, as well as your trust and confidence in us here at Towerpoint Wealth. We encourage you to contact us at any time, or call or email us ( with any questions, concerns, or needs you may have. The world continues to be an unsettled and complicated place, and we are here to help you properly plan for and make sense of it.

 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

We enjoy social media, and are actively growing our online community!

Follow us on any of these platforms, message us there and let us know your favorite charity.
We will happily donate $10 to it!

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Towerpoint Wealth No Comments

The Debt Ceiling in America – Why it MATTERS! 05.03.2023

What’s the deal with the debt ceiling in America, and is it important for investors?

A dramatically accelerated timeline for lawmakers to negotiate was established on Monday, as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the debt ceiling in America could be reached as early as June 1 if President Biden and Congress do not come to an agreement to raise or suspend it. Put differently, the US could run out of money to pay its bills, and default on its debt, if this contentious political and economic issue is not solved soon. Here we go again… 

debt ceiling in america

We’ve been here before regarding the debt ceiling in America. Congress on the brink of another deadlock. Debate raging between Democrats and Republicans. Concerned citizens. Grandstanding politicians. Worried investors. And here at Towerpoint Wealth, while we feel the end result is obvious (the limit will be increased), there will be no shortage of brinksmanship as both parties do their song and dance, yet ultimately heed the advice Ms. Yellen offered in her May 1 letter to Congress

Janet L Yellen signature

The last time this issue came to the forefront was December of 2021, when Congress ended up increasing the debt ceiling in America to $31.38 trillion. 

is debt ceiling in America-December 2021 Congress

Since 1960, politicians have moved to raise, extend, or revise the definition of the debt ceiling in America 78 times – including three just in the last six months. The debt limit was first introduced in 1917, as a way to give the government flexibility to raise money during the First World War. In theory it gives Congress a way to check in on spending. But fights over the ceiling have become increasingly fractious, as political polarization increases and US debt has skyrocketed, roughly doubling in a decade. When the debt ceiling is reached, the government must either cut spending or raise taxes to reduce the deficit. This is often a difficult and unpopular choice, and it can lead to government shutdowns and economic instability. 

The debt ceiling in America has often been a source of political conflict – in 2011, for example, the debt ceiling debate led to a downgrade in the US credit rating and a period of economic uncertainty. One of the main arguments against raising the debt ceiling is that it encourages government spending and makes it easier for politicians to avoid making tough choices about budget cuts and tax increases. Some politicians argue that the debt ceiling should be lowered or eliminated altogether to force the government to live within its means. However, many economists and financial experts warn that defaulting on the national debt would have catastrophic consequences for the US and global economy, including a possible recession or depression. 

Overall, the debt ceiling crisis is a complex issue that requires a delicate balance between fiscal responsibility and economic stability. While the government must be held accountable for its spending, it is important to avoid defaulting on the national debt and to work towards a sustainable financial future for the country. 

What can YOU do as an investor as the debt ceiling in America becomes a more acute and pressing issue? Be disciplined, have a plan, remain objective, and keep two things in mind: 

is debt ceiling control the volatility of the markets

Click the Wealth Management Philosophy thumbnail image below to learn more about exactly how we help our clients save and invest for retirement while minimizing taxes.

Wealth Management Philosophy page on Towerpoint Wealth
Trending Today In Case You Missed It

Luis  California Future Business Leaders of America FBLA

Last Friday, our Marketing Specialist, Luis Barrera, represented Towerpoint Wealth at the California Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) state conference at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center

Luis connected with high school students from all over the state, who were eager to learn about what a wealth management firm is all about, and how we help our clients properly coordinate all of their financial affairs. Thank you to FBLA for having us! 

Click HERE to message us with any questions or concerns you may have about your retirement right now.

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As seen on TV!

financial expert on ABC10-News

Our President, Joseph F. Eschleman, CIMA®, was the go-to financial expert on ABC10 News’ March 20 feature story. 

A guest on ABC10’s Dollars and Sense segment, Joseph explained the four different taxes people need to be aware of when they inherit money through an estate, revocable trust, or will: estate taxes, gift taxes, inheritance taxes, and income taxes. 

“Nine times out of 10, when you inherit money – be it from a friend, be it from a family member, doesn’t matter – the act of…inheriting it is not taxable to the beneficiary,” said Eschleman. 

There’s more, of course, to the story. Click on the video below to watch Joseph in the ABC10 video, or reach out to us here at Towerpoint Wealth to discuss any questions you have related to your estate planning, estate taxes, or income taxes. 

Click HERE to browse TPW’s library of other wealth-building and wealth-protecting educational videos.

One of our favorite wealth-building and wealth-protecting quotes of all time,
from legendary investing great Peter Lynch.  

Peter Lynch investors quote

Trending Today TPW Taxes

Health Savings Accounts taxes

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are tax-advantaged savings accounts that allow individuals who qualify for a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) to save and invest money for qualified medical expenses. One of the key benefits of an HSA is that contributions made to the account are tax-deductible, which can lower your taxable income and reduce the amount of taxes you owe. Additionally, any interest or investment earnings on the account are tax-free, which means you can grow your HSA without having to worry about paying taxes on the earnings. Furthermore, withdrawals from the account that are used for qualified medical expenses are also tax-free, which allows you to use your savings to pay for healthcare expenses without having to pay taxes on the money you withdraw. 

Another significant tax benefit of HSAs is that the account can be used as a long-term savings vehicle for retirement. Once you reach the age of 65, you can withdraw money from your HSA for any reason, not just medical expenses, without penalty. However, if you withdraw money for non-medical expenses, you will have to pay income tax on the amount withdrawn. Their overall tax treatment makes HSAs an attractive option for individuals who want to save money for healthcare expenses in the short-term, while also planning for their long-term retirement needs. 

tax benefit of HSAs

Have questions or concerns about filing your 2022 tax return?
We welcome connecting with you and are happy to help. Click the banner below to message Steve Pitchford, Steve Pitchford, Director of Tax and Financial Planning.

Steve Pitchford, CPA, CFP® Director of Tax and Certified Financial Planning
News You Can Use Trending Today

1.     TV’s Streaming Bubble Has Burst, a Writers Strike Looms, and “Everybody Is Freaking Out”

Vanity Fair – 5.1.2023

Writers Strike Looms

“People are just desperate,” says David H. Steinberg, a writer and showrunner. “I’ve been doing this for over 20 years, and I’ve never been in a situation where people are like, ‘Oh, no one’s buying anything right now.’ We just can’t sell.”

2.     The Glorious Return of a Humble Car Feature – 4.26.2023

Return of a Humble Car Feature

The touch screen pullback is the result of consumer backlash, not the enactment of overdue regulations or an awakening of corporate responsibility. Many drivers want buttons, not screens, and they’ve given carmakers an earful about it. Auto executives have long brushed aside safety concerns about their complex displays—and all signs suggest they would have happily kept doing so. But their customers are revolting, which has forced them to pay attention.

3.     With Playoff Knicks Hot, Madison Square Garden ‘Flooded with Requests From Celebrities’

NY Post – 5.3.2023

Knicks Hot Madison Square Garden

It’s once again the most coveted ticket in town.

On Tuesday night, Madison Square Garden’s Celebrity Row was overflowing with A-listers cheering on a hot Knicks squad, who defeated the Miami Heat in Game 2 of the Knicks second-round playoff series.

“The team has been flooded with requests from celebrities, with some saying they will fly in from out of town if they can get tickets,” a source close to MSG told The Post. “There’s way too many asks to address.”

Chart of the week Sacramento Financial Advisor

How long will it take until I double my money?

The Rule of 72 is a simple mathematical concept that helps individuals estimate how long it will take for their investments to double in value. To use the rule of 72, divide the number 72 by the annual rate of return (ROR) you expect to earn on your investment.

The result? An approximation of the number of years it will take for your investment to double in value. For example, if you expect to earn a 6% annual return on your investment, dividing 72 by 6 gives you 12 years. This means that it would take approximately 12 years for your investment to double in value at a 6% annual return. The rule of 72 is a helpful tool for investors to quickly estimate the potential growth of their investments and make informed financial decisions.

Rule of 72 is a simple mathematical

Trending Today Our Community

While the global 24/7 news cycle churns, twists, and turns, here are a number of fun, local trending events of note

·       May 2 – 7 – Pretty Woman: The Musical – SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center

·       May 6 – The Black Crowes – Thunder Valley Casino & Resort

·       May 9 – Sacramento Republic FC vs. Colorado Rapids – Heart Health Park

·       May 11 – ArtMix: Cookout – Crocker Art Museum

·       May 12 – Andrea Bocelli with the Sacramento Philharmonic and Chorus – Golden1 Center

·       May 12 – Movie Night in the Vines (Tom Cruise in Cocktail)– Bogle Winery

·       May 12 – Sarah Silverman – Thunder Valley Casino & Resort

As always, we sincerely value our relationships and partnerships with each of you, as well as your trust and confidence in us here at Towerpoint Wealth. We encourage you to contact us at any time, or call or email us ( with any questions, concerns, or needs you may have. The world continues to be an unsettled and complicated place, and we are here to help you properly plan for and make sense of it.

 Joseph EschlemanJonathanSteveLoriNathanMichelleLuis, and Megan

Sacramento Financial Advisor Towerpoint Wealth Team

We enjoy social media, and are actively growing our online community!

Follow us on any of these platforms, message us there and let us know your favorite charity.
We will happily donate $10 to it!

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